One day sunshine ! Our street
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1. I am glad that this long and humid January is over ! But not for our weather because it continues. The worst is that the temperatures are too high for the season and flowers come out and the fruit trees start too. If we now get frost it will damage the trees ! As usual we had our scrabble and I made real progresses I had never had such a high score, but still I was the last one but only for two points.
2. One day we had blue sky and people couldn't believe it, finally a bit of light, that's when I took the pictures above. But there was something in the air which made it hard for me to breath so I stayed inside and looked over the sunny gardens.
3. I had been lucky I had finally decided to go to my respiratory physician and got an appointment immediately because somebody couldn't come. Normally you have to wait at least a month but here I got an appointment for the next day. The result was not very good I only have 40 % of breathing capacity even when I do only a little physical effort. So she prescribed me a medication which I have to take for 2 weeks and then it should be better. It's due to the humidity. She told me that she is overloaded with work and the hospital is almost full. Now I will wait and see. I feel already better because now I know that it is not too bad !
4. Our friend which I always call my adoptive son (because he is only 3 years older than ours) came visiting us. He always says he will only stay for a short while this time it was from 10.30 to 4 pm. He had so many things to tell and empty his heart. He will come back on Saturday and install the big TV we have in the guest room in our living room and the smaller one will go in the guest room. There is also an external lamp to install with a movement detector. He is always so helpful.
5. The Belgian Television came to film our connection to internet, telephone and Television still laying on the street. It goes from the electricity box in front of our neighbors house, along the side walk over the street on our little wall into the garden and then through the cat flap in our garage were the connection is.
That's how we are connected to the outside world !

The TV team had contacted me because I had put the above pictures on Facebook. A journalist asked me if I would agree that they filmed the whole "installation". Of course I agreed. The sun was kind and came out when I had to stand at the box explain the whole adventure then walk along the cable then they filmed me when I showed them the big hole we had had to dig in the garden because they were mistaken in the measurements. Then inside our garage I had to show the cat flap and the connection. Unfortunately no cat came to assist me for once I was a TV "star" !! It was quite funny and the team was very kind. With the journalist was the cameraman, and one for the sound. I hope I spoke clear and fluently although I still had the impression that one could hear my breathing. But never mind in this bad weather you are allowed to catch a cold. They will communicate the date when I appear on TV it's a program for consumer rights.