more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. The whole week we had really wonderful summer weather. Warm but not too hot always around 25°C (77 F). I had no energy to waste for doing something special so I put myself on holidays in my home.

Anyway I had my bronchitis again, but didn't feel sick, the doctor had come and has prescribed me again the pump with the mask and inhalations 3 times per day. My cats are used to the noise now, and while Rosie watches me, Arthur checks on the neighbors or people in the street.

My favorite office. I am supervised by my cats Pookie and Rosie
Each day was similar, in the mornings some little household scores, and preparing Blog posts for the next day. In the afternoon sitting on the terrace with my notebook in the carton to keep out the light and a little sunbath for 20 min not more, that is enough to get some colors. I hate roasting in the sun !
3. I learned more and more to use my Kindle Fire HD which I got from my son for my birthday, and am very happy now because I know how to use the features I want to use. I managed to download 3 books, one in German, one in French and one in English, and have started the German book which is a very funny crime story.
4. Now the half an hour of inhaling the medicine is almost a pleasure because the time goes by so quickly thanks to the Kindle ! I watch "Escape to the Country" on YouTube, or something else, and try to discover more features. I can read my mails, the newspaper, etc and it's really nice ! Now I can say what a wonderful gift ! Much better then an ebook reader only.
5. I went to the hospital to pick up my friend (and neighbor) Dominique who had a spine surgery and was allowed to return home. It was a pleasure to see her so happy and walking around without pain. I had filled in her fridge with frozen plates for 5 days so she won't starve. I was only upset about her family, from her 5 brothers and 4 sisters in law and her 3 adult children, nobody had time to pick her up. The children were on holidays. This confirms again that when you are in need you see who is really there for you. When she had rested a bit we sat in our garden and had an ice cold Karkade (Ibiscus) tea.
Now I am looking forward to my next trip on July 25, first a day in London before taking the train late afternoon to Eastbourne at the English South East coast, staying with my friends as I do each year.