"Colorful" pictures are here
Despite the fact that I promised myself never to do a meme again (you never should say never) I have been tagged by naughty Sanni the Coffee girl, who apparently can't read ! This time I have to reveil 5 of my favourite restaurants ! Fortunately it's only that and not something like "name 5 occasions to steal in a shopping mall" or "name 5 articles you stole in a shopping mall" or "list the content of 5 anonymous comments you made last week"
But I am a very pleasant person (my second name is Modesty) I herewith do it and also because everybody knows love goes through the stomac.
These are the rules:
1. Link to the name of the person who tagged you.
2. Include the state and country in which you live.
3. List your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location (locally).
4. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.
As state I would say Europe as country Belgium and then it gets complicated ! On one passport I am German, on my other passport I am Italian, I live since exactly 48 years in Belgium, so this has become my country. But with a son living in London and working in Amsterdam, family members living in Italy and a few left overs in Germany, I can only say that I consider myself as a European.
And now to the restaurants
Since years we are only going out here in Waterloo which counts a lot of restaurants of all sorts. Bad tongues pretend that we have more restaurants then inhabitants which of course is not true because we have more hairdressers then inhabitants.

1. "Les jardins d'Asie" (Asian gardens) with very good chinese, vietnames and thai food

2. L'Amusoir for its delicious steaks

3. The Green Roof for it's excellent typical belgian plates

4. "La Sucrerie" very elegant, with a wonderful decoration. Very traditional French food.

5. "Les Six Colonnes" very old restaurant with excellent sea food
Maybe you wonder now why I haven't listed any Italian restaurant. We usually never go in one because first we eat Italian all the time at home, so it's nothing special to us and second Mr. Gattino pretends that all Italian restaurants over here are not real once and had their plates adapted to the country as all Italians do when they live abroad.
After a tour through these restaurants, you may join them !