20 May 2007


Pookie on a whole week lasting sunday !

I don't know what sins I have comitted, but I am victim of taggers lately ! First for my cats and now for myself ! Sanni the coffee lady choose me as a victim.

I have noticed that everybody thinks that nobody writes posts on Sundays. Apparently we are all christians or pretend to be because it's written in the Bible that the 7th day you should not work and behave like a cat and nap ! That's why I write on a sunday in the hope that nobody would read seven things about me. Thinking it over, why not Friday ?? Other religions are napping on Fridays !

Blogfriend visits anyway are not foreseen, everybody is busy with up and downloading, wars against htmls in sidebars, blog decoration and preparing texts and ugly comments for mondays. Anonymous of course. In short, everything nobody has time for during the week.

So here are 7 things about me !

1. People say that I am bull headed. I don't agree because I am not a bull but rather a cow and I don't think that I look like a cow, not even my eyes

2. I admire friendships between man and women, because personally I don't have any. All my friends are females and the oldest one I knew since we were 8 years old.

3. For me the rule "friend once friend for ever" is very important. I don't change friendship like dirty shirts

4. I don't like people who say yes to everything just to be left in peace. I am more a fighter and have a very pronounced spirit of contradiction.

5. I always act first and think later

6. I hate routine

7. When I go shopping for one thing precisely, nobody of my family is sure about with what I would come back. Mr. Gattino's last example : I went to buy batteries for a watch and came back with a new TV.

And for those who don't know yet : I LOVE CATS

The rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well . At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don´t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

and here are my victims ! In the hope that they haven't been tagged for that before :

Mrs. Lifecruiser

Pay attention to your Post Options ! Comments are often closed automatically and you have to allow them ! (New Blogger invention since autosaved Draft) !


  1. oh I hate to shop.
    maybe it would be fun to go with you just to find out what we aren't buying????

  2. I think they're great rules on friendship. I mainly have boy friends, which I think is coz I work in a male dominated field. I only noticed the other day because I was trying to think of a friend who could come on a Brownie outing with my pack and couldn't think of one because it has to be a girl really.

    I also hate routine.

    Shopping does sound fun with you!!

    I've done the tag... but am feeling a bit rough today so have copped out a wee bit.

  3. Hello friend!
    Thanks for stopping by and for the comments. I knew you and I started blogging about the same time. You on the 6th and me on the 10th. As for my camera, I have so far not seen anything worth taking a picture of. :) I get out around in the yard and neighborhood, but rarely go anywhere there might be a picture worthy event. I am sorry you had to start another blog, but it just happens and forget getting any help from Blogger Help. I do not use Picasa but My Pictures that came with Windows so when I d/l a picture to My Pictures it goes to Picasa too. If I want to delete a picture, it will remove it from my blog. I have tried to get removed from Picasa with no luck, so I can easily see why so many have left or are leaving Blogger.
    Hope you have a wonderful day Ingrid. Thanks for all your kindness and help to me.

  4. Oooops! Sorry! Blogging is NOT work - it's relaxation - and therefore adds daily to my sin of SLOTH! I find it FUNNY that EVERYONE does a list of seven things about themselves - even if they are BAD things - but NO ONE wants to take on the Seven Sins meme - because it says the word "sin"! Boy that word SCARES folks! LOL! (cracks me up!) As for YOUR list ...

    1. They MIGHT say bull-headed because they mistake your devil horns for BULL horns! ;)

    4. Surely NOT YOU!!! A spirit of contradiction??? ... no way! ROFL!!!

    5. I used to be MUCH like this when I was young - I'm getting "better" with age - but do still do this too often!

    6. Meeeeeee too!

    7. Meeeeeee too!

  5. wow, you must be fun to go shopping with. can i come next time??? i love shopping for some things especially in foreign countries, as you've read in my blog. you are so right, italians have a lot more to offer than spaghettis (and pizza) in this world! hope the rest of the world knows about that :) just as germany has more to offer than octoberfest and bavaria:) wink-wink

  6. I too, have always wanted a guy friend where there is never a hint of sexual tension, but the couple of times I had a male friend it ended up them hating me..theybwere both single and had personality disorders as in really quirky. I think they might have been jealous and way too needy. I probably will never try to befriend a male again..it just doesn't work with me..I get and let them get too close....just as a friend, but maybe they wanted more.

  7. well, it's Sunday, and I READ you 7!! Thanks for sharing a little about yourself.


  8. P.S. I love cats too--we just adopted a 5 month old Exotic Shorthair :)

  9. Sundays are slow for the blogosphere...but one can catch up on mondays!
    I love to shop!!! but I stick to small things, never bought a tv set by myself: couldn't take it to the car, lol!
    Ok, my meme is up :)
    happy monday!!

  10. Perfect!

    I agree to 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
    My best friends are guys. I confess I´ve got "only" one girlfriend in real life - she´s living in London, so we don´t see each other so often. That might be the reason why she´s still my friend ;)


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !