more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. It was unusually hot more then 30° up to 36°C (86 - 98 F) and we are not used to such temperatures in Belgium. I was lucky to live outside Brussels, because in the city it was even warmer and sticky.
As we have no aircondition, (it's not worthwhile) I opened all windows early morning to cool down the house, and then closed the shutters and left the windows a little open. This helped to keep the house more cool.
2. With these temperatures I really had no courage to move or to do anything which asked some effort. I just did some household scores when it was still cool but then I watched TV with a big fan standing besides me. In the afternoon I could blog outside under the Pergola and blog as there was a little wind.
3. Fortunately I remembered that we have a wonderful swimming pool in Waterloo, and I decided to go there each morning at noon time, when all people left for lunch and had enough space for me alone to swim and do some acqua gym for 45 min. When I returned home I felt like a newborn !
4. Then came a thunderstorm and rain and it cooled down a bit, so I could sort out the clothes and stuff to put in my suitcase. I also prepared some pre scheduled posts for themes and played "Easter egg hunting" by looking for my cables, adaptors, battery chargers etc for my camera, notebook and Kindle. As usual they were all at the same place, only the places had changed.
5. And while you are reading this now, I just arrived in Eastbourne UK to spend a week with my friends as I do each year. Of course the first day I won't have time to write anything !

and here I am for the next 6 days