Another week flew by and now that I am back to routine life the time seems to run faster ! Each and every day it's the same, or almost.
I started the week with doing nothing, I rested from my weekend. Nothing means watching TV, my little crime stories which Mr. G had recorded for me during my absence, so I have to watch a lot. I also have to "work" on my computer.

Sometimes Facebook is a good invention, because I got some pictures from my travel pals, like this one which was taken at breakfast shortly before we all took off to different directions.
And suddenly it was supper time.
A miracle happened when we played Scrabble on Tuesday, I was second ! That had never happened. I had always been the last ! After scrabble we had a delicious cake which our friend had made herself and we made plans for the forthcoming season, concerning the activities our city organizes for the seniors. It will start in October with a theatre play. Of course we will all go !
Due to the sudden rain and humid weather, the grass had grown and the bushes too ! My neighbor who lives alone now in the house just in front of ours since her mother passed away, mowed our lawn while we were absent ! What a nice surprise. It had suddenly grown that high that it was too difficult for our "Oscar" the robot to mow the lawn. Now he can do it again.
"School" officially had started again, and although we are all retired we were forced to respect the school holidays.
Now in September we could start our painting class again.

It was very nice to see each other again and we admired the new decorations in our "class room" and at the entrance of the retirement home where we have our classes.
For the moment the mussels are on the menus of all restaurants, and I had the feeling of a pregnant women, I HAD to eat mussels with good Belgian fries (not French)
and they were delicious in the new "Lunch Garden" of the renovated Carrefour store.
When I came home Arthur appeared as usual from nowhere and meowed me a "hallo"