Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of December 24. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.When on the 24th I looked out of the window, I thought we would never be able to drive the 220 km to Amsterdam to celebrate Christmas with our son and family.
We were litterally burried in snow. I couldn't even open the garage door. With a snow shuffle which dated from Matusalem (I don't even remember when we bought it)

I managed to shuffle enough to get out of the garage with my car. Mr. G's was sitting deeply in the snow. We had to put a kind of socks around the front wheels not to slip and slide on the frozen snow. The city confronted with such a new problem hadn't thought about buying enough salt and didn't have snowblowers. It was a real adventure. Fortunately the highways were clean and there was no problem and finally we arrived just a little later as foreseen in Amsterdam in our hotel.
This time we had to sleep in a hotel because with the new baby, there was no spare room left for guest.

But we were very happy with the Hotel I had found, it was the Best Western and had a nice view on the canals and what is very important in Amsterdam it also had a garage, as parking on the street is very expensive even in front of your own house !
Then we drove to our sons flat and started our Christmas celebration !

First thing we noticed of course was that little Toby had changed and had become a big boy ! He is now a little more than a months. Above you see the young and old couple with little Toby and then he acted as little Jesus in front of the Christmas tree.

We had a raclette on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day a delicious turkey with couscous and broccolis gratiné. Nonno (Grandpa) Mr. G and Grandson Toby both full had a little nap together.

and here he is admiring his toys with music and was also very intrigued by my glasses.

Last but not least, here are a few of my Christmas presents and .... of course I was spoiled with cats !
We haven't been in the center of Amsterdam at all, it was so cold and the sidewalks were also a little slippery. It will be for the next time.

The ships were frozen in the canals, as I could see out of our hotel room.
Sunday we drove home on a cleaned highway and arrived again in our messy Waterloo, where the cars were stuck and burried in the snow. We pushed a big sigh of relief when we managed to drive in the garage without damaging anything !
We watched a film on TV and recuperated from celebrating and eating and were not hungry at all ! Christmas definitively is not made for people on diet !