1 Apr 2023


Guess with what I start this post ? It rains and there is a strong wind. Just ideal to hide your head under cover and pretend it's still night. I think it would be better if I was a fish and enjoy to swim around. Instead I did my household scores in no time and then looked after sandals, because the once I have are antiques now and I have to give them away. 

On Tuesday at 7 am (!!) the phone rang ! I thought a catastrophe had happened to dare to wake up a retired person at this criminal hour,j  I shouted in the phone Aaaallllooooo and heard "Happy Birthday to you, etc, a voice like a frog and not like Pavarotti ! I interrupted this concert and told the man that my birthiday is in July and 7 am is a bit early anyway. He was very sorry that he had dialed a wrong number, and I was sorry that I could fall asleep after my "happy birthday". 

At 10.30 my "social assistant' with the romantic name "Honorine" arrived and did all the things which leave me quickly breathless. She is an angel, she even did my filing ! 6  months of paper mountain and put them in folders. She is a real nice girl coming from Cameroon , married to a Belgian. Even Rosie liked her not like Maria ! She even has computer knowledge ! She had taken care of Rick too.

I had called Nicole to tell her that I would come and she was happy because there was no interesting activity in the retirement home. When I arrived she lay on the bed her face white, and the nurse told me that I had to return, she had fallen out of her bed when she tried to get up ! It's so sad, each time I go and visit her she becomes weaker. Her head still works perfectly, only she forgets quickly. But she can hardly walk and has no strength in her hands. Instead I did my shopping and  bought my weekly fruits, not much choice, grapes, clementines, apples and pears, and each week more expensive. The government says we should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but the salaries are not increased.

I spent the afternoon with my neighbor of the first floor also a Nicole, she doesn't have a smartphone yet and I showed her the very simple one for seniors which she can certainly learn to use.

I bought this little bouquet from a girl which seemed to be an emigrant they are the first signs of spring and look so cheerful !

Each morning when I want to listen to the News, it's always the same, so I watch the English Royals that's far better and more romantic.
Slowly our garden gets green and some plants start to blossom. The white spots are the raindrops on the window !


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

31 Mar 2023


1. Why do you blog? Have your reasons changed over time ?

Nothing has changed ! In  2006 nobody here in Europe knew what a Blog was. Or maybe a few. I had just discovered Internet thanks to Rick and amused myself looking for different cat breeds. I discovered Forums, and stuck with them for a bit.

Somehow I ended up with Wordpress and actually managed to create a blog. From Wordpress I discovered Blogger and a big cat community so I left Wordpress and ended up at Blogger. 

My first header

I've always loved to write, but nobody read what I wrote. My cats suddenly became famous in the whole world and  got comments from all over the world. Then I started a second blog about my country, Europe and also my life. It became my hobby and it is a must for me to write every day. I have time I am retired. It helped me a lot when Rick passed away and I got so many compassion from all countries and continents. I also learned a lot about uses in other countries, how people think, etc. For me, blogging is very enriching. I have learned so much from it that I almost feel like Mrs. Wikipedia ! Even a recipe how to prepare rats from a Chinese lady who laughed her head off when she read the comments from our Western world !

2. What's a typical Friday night look like at your house? 

The same like all other nights, maybe I would go out, but I have weekends the whole year long, so all days are the same. Except Sundays, there all shops are closed. Only the bakeries are open.

3. Do you like donuts? Your favorite kind? How often do you treat yourself to a Donut? Have you ever made homemade donuts? 

Oh yes I like Donuts, the simple once with sugar and no I never baked them, because I never baked anything except once an applepie which I left on the table over night to cool down, only my cat Arthur found it so good that he had eaten almost the whole cake during the night and the rest was scattered over the kitchen floor. I had never thought that a cat loves appelpie !!

4. How do you feel about shopping?Are you an online shopper? Catalog shopper? Brick and mortar shopper? Do you order groceries online or prefer to select items with your own two hands? 

I hate shopping, all kind of shopping especially food. I only go shopping when I need something, like shoes which I prefer to buy in a shoe shop or if I need jeans or a top it could be online or in a shop.

5. Next week's Hodgepodge finds us somehow in the month of April, which just so happens to be National Poetry Month. Sum up (or tell us something about) your month of March in the form of a limerick. You can do it!!

From day one of March
the days where the same, 
it's me to blame 
because I have to get used to a new life
leaving behind me my life as a wife

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The 29th of each month I count. Now it's already 9 months that Rick left for another world. Instead of feeling better because it's said that time heals, it is not the case with me. Memories come back far too often. Now that all the funeral paperwork is done and I have time to think, often my life seems to me like a kaleidoscope. I hope that slowly slowly my new "me" finds a way to live again without this inner pain.




29 Mar 2023


Except the first picture, the others leave me wordless ! And don't remember why I took them and for what purpose. Painting tubes and nails are practical, but the others ??


more participants here, and Image-in-ing

28 Mar 2023


 If you fancy a city trip, I can recommend the following cities! Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels and probably other European cities. Don't ask me for what they strike, it's too much

You can also do a sightseeing tour in Ukraine, Russia and Israel where it's more interesting, it's war. The benefit is ACTION which you love so much on a a big screen with a box of popcorn on your knees ! 


27 Mar 2023


 Why does she call me "my little snail" ? A snail is not so pretty as I ! 

Did you get up one hour earlier ? I didn't, I sleep anyway the whole day so it doesn't matter. I didn't even realize, but then she she juggled around with cups and spoons and I woke up ! Too early for breakfast she was wrong ! I turned around and continued to sleep. She told me that now we have summertime, but anyway summer or winter it's the same weather !


linking to AWWW MONDAYS




Saturday when I woke up I was angry with myself because I didn't want to get up ! I needed a crane to pull me out of my bed. For a moment I considered to stay in there the whole day, but then I thought if I start with such ideas then it's the end of my active life and just have to buy a bigger basket and share it with Rosie the whole day ! 

Finally I ate my breakfast and started my blog, made comments and answered a few phone calls. After lunch I intended to go out and buy a card for an old mobile which I wanted to use when I couldn't find my smartphone, which contained my whole life ! But then the rain and wind held me back. I had lunch and watched my little movie, at least I thought I had seen it, but I had seen nothing, I had fallen asleep !

I made myself a strong coffee so that the spoon stood up to wake  up for the rest of the day. I did two new headers and suddenly it was evening and getting dark.  I hope that tomorrow something exciting happens, Fortunately all clocks set themselves, except  two, otherwise I would probably get up several days too early! I can't even count on Rosie