The cable goes from our neighbor along the sidewalk, crosses the street, goes along the little wall anf finally ends through the cat flap in our garage. It had to be replaced already 3 times because the cars drive over it and it broke. Fortunately our internet works even with this temporary solution.
2. As usual I lost at our weekly scrabble game, we were only 4 then 3, because one had toothaches and had to go to the dentist and the other had to leave earlier because she expected her granddaughter. But still we had a nice time.
The sales are ending now at the end of the month so you can get up to 70% price reduction. As usual it rained so I went to the shopping mall, where all shops are we have along the streets in Waterloo, only it's warm and dry in there.
I noticed a new wooden statue at the entrance, but have no idea what it represents. Maybe a couple.
4. In my painting class the lady who decorates the room, had taken off the Christmas stuff and had started a new motif "Oriental" I found it very beautiful, she is very creative ! I continued the painting of cat Arthur, I want to offer it to my grandson, because he loves Arthur despite his cat allergy !

5.After the painting class we went for lunch to an Asiatic restaurant, and then separated. I needed not comfort food, but something else and as there is the sale of the sale I bought a cardigan and a long blouse.
It looks very pretty and was so cheap ! It was really worthwhile to wait for the end of the Sales. The next official Sale will be end of July !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
Sunset in Waterloo
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