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Jenny Matlock's Alphabet ThursdayThe first time in my life when I went to a cinema was in 1953 when I was 10 years old ! What an exciting event for a little girl ! My father's mother, the grandma I didn't know very well was on visit and took me to see the film of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953. Although she was already Queen since February 6, 1952 when she acceded her father King George, the coronation took place only one year later on June 2, 1953.
The film was already in color and I was so impressed ! From that day on I wanted to be a princess if not a queen ! I remember I played coronation with my friends with selfmade "golden"crowns, old curtains and other "royal" outfits.
I never lost my interest in Royals and royal families, in their history, stories, or scandals, weddings, birth and funerals. I mostly update myself on Royals when I have to wait somewhere, like the hairdresser, in the doctors waiting rooms or at the dentist and of course the TV series "Place Royale" (Royal Places).
From all European countries there are only these once who still have a "working" King, Queen, prince or Duke.
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
- The Kingdom Belgium,
- The Kingdom of the Netherlands,
- Grand Duchy Luxembourg,
- The Kingdom Denmark,
- The Kingdom Sweden.
- The Kingdom Norway,
- Principality Liechtenstein,
- The Kingdom Spain,
- Principality Monaco,
All the other European countries are Republics and have a boring president who is elected by the people, has nothing romantic and nothing or poor to say. The one who leads the country is a prime minister, or a chancellor (Germany), except France who has a president who leads the country.

as a bride and today. She has a lot of phantasy for her hat creations !

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands also has a penchant for "funny" hats.

I knew all these still active Royals from when I was a young girl, when they were freshly married or just had acceded their father or mother.

except Prince Albert who is Princess Grace of Monaco's son and I knew him as a boy and the Duke of Luxembourg was 12 years old when I knew him. But of course I knew their parents.
Some people think that Royals are useless and cost money. But they have success and this romantic touch. Representing a country always costs money, the president also needs body guards and new tuxedos or suits and their wives too. But they don't attract any tourists ! I think a Royal wedding brings also quiet a lot of money to the country and lots of people get a job. When you think of all the merchandising, the tourists who spent money, the Hotels, fully booked, the restaurants full and even the transport companies make money.
Now since 53 years I am living in a country with a King and a Queen, with Princes and Princesses and although they are less interesting to the press as the British Royals, I still prefer them to a President. For politics we have our Prime Minister.