Therefore I checked the news and found some interesting once.
A website called PleaseRobMe claims to reveal the location of empty homes based on what people post online.
Very interesting ! I only have to increase my household insurance, make myself member in PleaseRobMe and hope that all interesting things are stolen so that I can buy new once with the money I get back from the insurance. Of course for double value.
A German snowboarder stranded in the Austrian Alps for six hours has been rescued after attracting attention by setting fire to his cash. He started with restaurant bills, before he was spotted burning the last of 120 euros in cash.
What do you learn from this experience ? Always take a lot of cash with you ! And don't forget to keep restaurant bills ! Go there very often ! You never know !

Barbie’s so geeky
DIZZY blonde doll Barbie has an unlikely new job - as an IT geek.
Wearing specs and a T-shirt with a binary code design, she uses a laptop, pink of course, and hands-free phone headset.
I am a little doubtful that little girls would like to play with such an "intelligent" looking doll or is she more destinated for business men, managers, bank directors, or politicians ?

A WOMAN in Rumania weighing more than 240 kg (529 lbs) has given birth to her first baby.
Victoria Lacatus, 25, had her healthy 2.9 kg (6.4) baby girl by caesarean section yesterday. Doctors had feared for her health during the pregnancy.But she told reporters at the hospital in Craiova, Romania: "I wanted this child with all my heart, whatever the sacrifice."
Now I only hope she doesn't take the baby with her in her bed ! Her husband probably looks already like a pancake.