This time I had less luck. I didn't take my usual way but asked Madame GPS for a shorter one. She guided me on the same way but then suddenly told me to leave the highway. Which I did of course. Then suddenly I didn't hear her anymore and there was no km indicated when I had to turn left or right. I stopped to see what was the matter and why she was suddenly voiceless. I didn't see anything wrong and continued my way, at least I thought that I was in the right direction. Suddenly Madame GPS 's screen indicated that there was no battery anymore and she died !
Unladylike a pronounced a few words and plugged her in correctly, which apparently I hadn't done before. Suddenly she came back to life again, found her voice and then the nightmare started : "Recalculating" ... I changed direction and came back the same way. "Turn right" she said, there were works going on, I had to take another street "Recalculating" she repeated, I waited until she was finished with her calculations and went on. Works again. "Recalculating" ... and so joyfully I turned around and around until finally after 1 1/2 h (ONE AND A HALF) hour I finally stopped in front of the shop. In 10 min I had selected my plants and rushed back to the car. I wanted to call Mr. G. just to tell him that I would be later but of course I had left my mobile phone in the plug to be recharged ! Apparently I was in war with modern lifestyle this day !
Normally she also should know where works are going on but I hadn't read the instructions correctly, it is my new Madame GPS which I got for my birthday.
For the way back I thought I take my usual way, at least there would be no surprises. Wrong ! The road was closed ... works ! recalculating ... works, recalculating ... etc. until finally after again 1 1/2 h again she said : Arriving at home on right !
I was exhausted. Next time I buy my flowers in Paris or London that goes quicker !