Yesterday was Friday the 13, I didn't know it at all and anyway I never pay attention to that day as I am not superstitious at all.
The day began nicely when I climbed out of my bed, started my yoga exercises and put my foot in something wet and disgusting, one of my cats had barfed on the carpet of course and not on the parquet. That's to easy to clean. I hobbled on one food to the bathroom and cleaned my food.
Then I went to the kitchen to prepare my first cup of coffee the best of the whole day, which I then carried to my computer. Instead of putting it on the side table, looking at the screen, I dropped it on the floor. Apparently the table had suddenly shrinked. Still without my first cup of coffee, I cleaned the floor and finally could drink my first cup.
We have a Philips Senseo coffee machine and for those who don't know what it is you have to put in a coffee pad push the button for heating up the water and then another so that the hot water runs through the coffee pad. Usually it's delicous if you change the pad each time you make a new cup. My second cup tasted like hot water with a little coffee aroma which I only realized after having emptied the cup. I had forgotten to change the pad. Disgusting !
Mr. G. who had followed my misfortunes with interest, told me that it is no wonder because today it's Friday 13 ! He better shouldn't have told me because from that moment on, everything what happened to me was the fault of Friday 13 !
In the afternoon I mowed the lawn. When the first basket was full I emptied it into a paper bag delivered by the city against payment of course. Then I continued, wondering why the grass flew into my face. I looked around and stated that I had forgotten to put in the basket of the lawn mower ! I comforted myself by telling me "don't get excited, it's only Friday 13" !
Besides my with green grass covered face which I saw when I looked in the mirror, I survived the afternoon without any major problems, except that while I was cutting chicken breasts, Arthur the cat stole one piece, I only had turned my head for a second.
I didn't suffocate under my pillow during the night, neither fell out of my bed before midnight, the house still stood, and my computer worked. Therefore I was able to write this post today !