20 Jan 2025


 Father & Son





Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong ! The sun was shining but very high because there was fog again, a bit less but still, and we all would need some light !

I think this sad weather has an influence of those who sometimes have orientation problems, because  more and more people are searching for their rooms in the long corridors.

As I can't go for a walk in this cold and damp weather, I'm going to our exercise room and ride a bike for a quarter of an hour. It's working even better then I thought. I don't think I've ridden a bike in 30 years!

Sunday I wanted to go out a bit, but it was again so foggy that I preferred to stay home. I worked on my photos, made two new headers and after lunch at 3 pm I went joining the others for a cup of coffee and self baked cake, which was really very good. Besides chatting we didn't play anything our animator was not there. Usually he or she should come on a Sunday too. I hope that they are not sick, so many people have a cold ! 


Rosie is happy to be inside in the warmth.. 


  1. It's good to be using the gym and cycling is healthy. Fog is not so welcome - it's pretty, but dangerous on the roads.

  2. Awww on dad and son. So adorable.

    It's cold here too and I walk inside. I just walk and walk where it's warm. Six days a week. At 73 I know I have to keep moving. Good on you for riding that bike. Great exercise.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  3. Two males sleeping comfortably could create a snoring fest :)

  4. How cute father and son are sleeping next to each other. A time of rest which new parents need.

  5. Ooh, I wish we had access to a gym or exercise bikes at my new apartments. Sounds like a good idea.

  6. Such sweet images of your son and grandson!
    Sure hope you get some nice days soon...but here, though we have a bit of sun, its -5F...and lots of snow as well. Brrr, I want it to go away! My pups don't care for it either, LOL!

  7. Love the photos of father and son. Also, that is a really cool new header!


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