of Nov 5. If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.
Our weekend was very exciting ! Breakfast at 8.30. Before getting a towel, choose a nice place and put the towel on the beach beds. After breakfast laying in the sun and when it's too hot swimming in the sea surrounded by little fishes and some human whales. Of course also reading and observing the other guests. Unfortunately this year everybody looks so normal !
These activities are interrupted by lunch at 12.30, and then we "work" again at the beach. When at 3.30 pm the sun disappears behind the Hotel it's getting cool in the shade and we return to our room.
And then our weekend troubles started. While I was still chatting at the reception, Chantal tried to get into our room. No way. She lifted, pushed, pulled the doorknob without any result. She came back and told me she couldn't open the door. I followed her, took the key put it in the keyhole turned, and the door opened. Chantal was surprised : "that's impossible" she said because she had tried for 10 min without success. Feeling stupid, she closed the door again (for our security I remained inside the room) opened it and it went without problem. We laughed but she still felt offended because of this stupid door. When we had showered and were dressed, we wanted to go for supper. I turned the doorknob to open the door, the door remained closed. Chantal tried, I tried, we were locked into our room. No way to get out.
I called the reception and told them that we were locked in inside the room. Omar, Hassan or Mustafa probably thought "again this woman", but they promised to send somebody to open the door "immediately" we sat down and waited. Of course nobody came. After 10 min I got angry, we were hungry and wanted to get out of the room. I turned the doorknob and .... the door opened without difficulties and we found ourselves nose to nose with the guy who had finally arrived to free us. We felt rather stupid.
When we came back the door opened without any problem. In the morning we were again locked in and our male chamber maid got us out after whe had shouted for help. I asked for repairing this rotten lock and of course they promised to do this later. Now I don't know when "later" is maybe in a year or so.
Then it happened that we wanted to get into the room again and this time the door opened but the security tongs had fallen down so the door only opened a few centimeters or inches.

Two men tried to lift that thing with the door hanger "Please make up my room" which of course didn't work. Finally one brought a screwdriver and the other a hammer and they managed to get the door open. Now we are without security and maybe I won't post tomorrow because we were kidnapped.
But despite this adventure our weekend was very nice !

This is the view from our balcony when we manage to get into our room

and our room which a very friendly young man cleans and makes hearts out of our bath towels and on them rose petals ! Isn't that romantic ?
Now each time we have to go in or out it's the big question : "Does it work ?"
At least one man told me the truth the lock wouldn't be replaced because the whole hotel gets new once not working with a key anymore but with a card.