1. Trying to think about all I had seen and in which order because in my head it was a big mess. As there was nothing to do in the household, besides baking a bread which the machine did, and I only had to push on the button, I tried to sort out my photos and gave some phone calls to tell that I am back.
After lunch I had enough and went to Nicole to tell her about my trip and to get updated of the happenings during my absence.

Of course I told her about my international group which was so nice and the fun we had. We were coming from all corners of the world, Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand and even 6 Europeans including me. Below left in the striped T-Shirt is my room mate from New Zealand.
2. The weather had been quiet nice in Ireland, but back home it rained. I wasn't disorientated at all ! Apparently Ireland is worse than Belgium because at least here it can get into the 30° while there a heat wave starts at 25° ! I worked on my photos and created folders. In the afternoon I went to Ilona and we could sit outside the sun had come out.

When I saw my photos of Belfast I thought how sad it is that even more than 40 years after the "war" between Catholics and Protestants you can still feel the tension. There was a wall full of graffiti which separated the Catholic part from the Protestants. We had gotten a pen to write something on the wall. I thought the Muslim extremist could join them, maybe that would give a balance !
4. Physically I was home and did what I had to do, but mentally I was always busy with my tour !
Ilona was occupied with paperwork, notaries and all what comes up when somebody passed away. In her case her mother and as it often happens when there are more than one heir, disagreements come up although everybody had thought that would never happen. To cheer her up we went for lunch together and had mussels with "French" fries, the Belgian National plate. It was very good.
I told her that on my to do list is written that I want to ride on a horse. I was always afraid of horses and now I am not anymore !
5. Since the 1st of July Belgian started its summer sleep. School holidays for 2 months. And so is the government and most of the companies and it's better not to be ill in this period. Lots of shops are closed and of course I have no aqua gym and no painting course neither !
The only thing which remains is our scrabble ! We put it on Thursdays instead of Mondays during the holiday period.

The sun was shining and we scrabbled our heads were smoking ! We had a coffee break with delicious cakes and then continued ! We had a real nice afternoon. Next week it will be my turn to receive the girls.