Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you. For that I am not a good person at all, if somebody hurts my heart, I don't love him, and I am afraid I certainly hurt hearts who loved me !
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. I don't know but when I am hungry I prefer bread to love !
A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. Hey, I am against mistresses !
Love is blind ! I wear glasses !
Make love not war ! was always my device
Love is the only gold. I have my doubts when I see a 20 year old marrying an 80 year old millionaire
I agree more with international proverbs :
- One who loves the vase loves also what is inside.
African Proverb
- In order to really love someone you must love him as though he was going to die tomorrow.
Arabian Proverb
- Where there is love there is no darkness.
Burundi Proverb from Burundi
- Love and let the world know, hate in silence.
Egyptian Proverb
- When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow.
Ethiopian Proverb
- The first love letters are written with the eyes.
French Proverb
- The heart that loves is always young.
Greek Proverb
- Love is like fog -- there is no mountain on which it does not rest.
Hawaiian Proverb
- It is love that makes the impossible possible.
Indian Proverb
- Love rules without rules.
Italian Proverb
- Where there is love, there is peace.
Myanmar Proverb
- A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
Turkish Proverb
And when you still don't know what Love is, I can't help you !