Pookie doesn't like to fill out paper stuff
Last week I got a letter from the council to inform me that I need a new identity card. I looked for my card and couldn't find it. I searched through my wallet and handbag, turned every thing around and took everything out, I made a FBI house checking (with warrant), no card. I tried to remember when I had used it last but of course it had been such a long time ago that I didn't remember at all.
This card is only valid for Belgium, to proof that you are still alive and not dead, although it had already happened that a person was declared dead, while she still enjoyed life. I need this card to open a bank account which hasn't happened in years or for a traffic control and I hadn' been involved lately in an accident or incident, so I really didn't know. It could only have happened when I changed money in Turkey and I probably left my identity card there as souvenir.
To get a new card you first have to go to the police and declare that you lost it to get an official statement. Then only you can go to the council office to get a new one. So I got first pictures made for the card smiled in the camera had it cut to a special passport size and then went first to the police to make my statement.
There was only one window open with a very young policeman who looked as if he were still wearing diapers. I told him my problem and was promptly asked when and where I lost my card. I found that rather comical and answered that if I knew where and how, I probably wouldn't be here but had picked up my card where I had lost it !
He looked at me with eyes like a veal and told me that he couldn't do it, but he had to ask a collegue and she would come as soon as she had time. I wondered a little about what that meant but sat down. After a (long) while a pregnant (up to the nose) woman showed up and asked my name, birthdate, and address and then disappeared again with my informations. I sat down again and waited.
After a while I asked myself if she hadn't gone to hospital to give birth but then she finally came back and still looked round. I signed two papers, took one and went over to the council office for identity cards. There for once it went very quick because I was the only foreigner this day asking for such a card.
I get a blue card (not a green) in old fashioned carton and not like the belgians one which looks like a credit card. The poor girl was still in possession of an electric typewriter with which she typed my card, stack the photo on, stamped it and it was done !
I only could see one computer for at least 6 (empty) desks. I have to say that our council house is very new and nice, but the office equipment looks more like antiques. Now I am in order for another 5 years.

My new card

The modern town hall