A robot's eye !
For once the weekend was rather agitated because we had son and grandson on visit. Toby stayed in his friend's Benji's house because of course they like to sleep together I doubt that they sleep very much.
We picked up my friend Bunny to go for supper in a restaurant, but before we had a drink at hers. She had bought a big box with cars and street signs so they were busy, except the older sister who played solitaire.
It was the first time I had been in this restaurant which my Facebook group had recommended to me for especially good steak, as my son loves Belgian steak the meat is cut in another way as in other countries.
It was all very good and the kids of course had pasta. We had a nice evening.
The next day there was a pumpkin festival nearby and the two dads and me took the kids there. Mr. G. had his Formular 1 and not even a hurricane could detach him from the screen.
The kids had a lot of fun, with animal balloons and fishing ducklings but nobody won anytthing
After a huge hot dog and a drink we finally went home. The men bought pumpkins for a meal, I don't know any pumpkin recipe so I didn't buy anything.
Time went buy so quickly and suddenly it was time for them to return home because on Monday was school again.