First a frog showed up and greeted the guests,

A closer view
Followed by the staff making local music and the cooks carrying the tray around the beach.

Arriving at the swimming pool it turned out that it was a "Fruit Festival" ! Fruits and also the food is delicious in this hotel, our so said "organic" was tasteless against it ! All guests agreed to that !
3. I spent the morning at the beach and said good bye and then dressed for "winter" and had my last lunch there. At 2 am I was picked up by a bus and driven to the airport.
This time it went a little quicker and I only had to take off my shoes twice, I didn't ring when I went through the scan so everything went smooth. As I went to Brussels the plane was full of Belgians. I don't know but I was less controlled with my German passport and apparently was less suspicious than the Belgians, probably because of the terrorists who lived in Brussels ! Mr. G. picked me up and we were at home at 11 pm.
4. The next day the sun was shining fortunately, so it was less harder to get used to the colder weather !
Once I had unpacked my suitcase, Pookie took the opportunity and choose it as her new bed !
The afternoon I spent with Nicole on her terrace it was nice and warm and I told her about my holidays ! In November she will come with me because then I return !!
5. During our painting class, I didn't paint very much I mostly told about my holidays !

Nicole had retouched the sky of her horse painting and suddenly her horse had only 3 legs, the sky had covered the 4th ! We had a lot of fun with her horse because first it had 4 legs which were wrong then she added two legs which made 6 and then she took two away and had four and because of her sky she ended up with 3 ! That's why she is laughing so much and we too when we saw her master piece !
linking to Willy Nilly Friday five