30 Dec 2022


In Belgium we only have one day off for Christmas and not two as in many other countries. In the UK  it was Boxing day, an expression which I misunderstood for a long time, I couldn't understand why on the second Christmas day the people were boxing each other ! Christmas stands for peace and love and not for boxing. A good soul explained me then the real meaning ! But I am sure I was not the only one who thought that the English are boxing on the second Christmas day. 

I didn't feel very well and as many people have a cold or a flu or a Covid I thought maybe I start one too, and took the miracle pill against all this "Paracetamol" ! the rest of the day I hang on the sofa watched TV and filed my photos for the external hard disk, the Christmas gift from my son. 

The next day I was feeling a bit better and I had slept well. Probably I had been only very tired with all these festivities. I am happy that one is over. 

During the night I heard the wind whistling but didn't pay attention and continued to sleep. The next morning when I opened the window doors to let in fresh air,

I saw this ! Apparently it hadn't been a slightly whistling wind, but rather a storm !! 

When Toby was here with his Dad, they took Toby's best friend with them to Amsterdam, to spend a week of holidays there.

According to several pictures I got, they had a lot of fun ! They have the same age (12) only 5 month differenc and the same size too 1,71m. Their Dads are best friends too, since school !

With this wind and rainy weather I stayed home again ! But the next day I had to go shopping for the New Year. Adeline came with me, as she can't drive. I wonder how it is possible to live without a car especially now that I am a vintage ! We, the (not famous four) decided to start with little snacks and champagne in my apartment and a warm plate in Adeline's (she has a bigger table) and then return to mine  (I have a bigger TV and more space to sit), to spend the rest of the evening here. 

While I was sorting out my photos I also found some very old once which had been in an Album and which Rick had scanned put them on a USB stick and had thrown the Albums away, they took too much space. I agreed. The photo was a bit dark and a bit blur. I corrected it a bit and now it looks like new !

and with this photo of happy times



more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

29 Dec 2022



1. Did you set any goals for the new year this time last year? Did you meet them or miss the mark? Tell us more if you're comfortable sharing.  

I never make lists or set any goals for a new year, because I won't keep it or forget. Often events happen, you never thought about.  Anyway this year was the worst I ever had in my whole life, as Rick my husband passed away end May, and this changed my whole life, plans etc.

2. What are three words that might describe the kind of person you were this past year or describe in some way how your life looked?  

I was like a Robot, I did what I had to do, the paper work, the invoices, deciding everything for him because he couldn't think anymore by himself and hardly speak. He had Parkinson/Alzheimer. From January on it became worse every day. Sometimes I wonder how I went through all that;

3. What's something new you ate, saw, heard, or experienced in 2022? What did you think ?

I eat now Rice slices instead of bread. Looks like popcorn bread and I love it with cheese and little cherry tomatoes. I didn't hear nothing special, I saw a part of Switzerland and I experienced an incineration. I didn't think anything my head was empty. 

4. Oxford Dictionary has announced it's word of the year for 2022, and it's this-goblin mode. Huh? Have you ever heard this phrase? Used this phrase? It's defined as "a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations."

The only Gobelin I kow is this one invented by a French family of weavers in the 15th century. There is also a factory in Brugge (Belgium) where mine comes from. I couldn't find the definition you found, I don't see the relation between a tapestry and a behavior. This year they allowed the public to choose amongst three finalists. You can read more about that here. If you were in charge, what word would you declare word of the year for 2022 ?  

None, one word is not enough for a chatterbox

5. Any special plans for an end of year celebration in your house or town? The travel channel says the world's best New Year's Eve celebrations will happen in Copacabana Beach-Rio de Janerio, the Orlando theme parks in Florida, London, Sydney, New York's Time Square, Edinburgh Scotland, and Paris. If you could attend any one of these which would you choose? Tell us why?  

I think I would choose to go to Edinburgh, Scotland, just because I love this town. I have already seen the Military Tattoo  and it was wonderful. Meanwhile I celebrate New Year with 4 of my neighbors. We don't even have to go out.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

What I think ? That life is not anymore as it was before the Covid. First locked down for two years, then  weather catastrophes, it's too hot on one side of the world and too cold on the other. Most of the people worry about living and energy costs, about wars, attacks, fires, earthquakes etc, better to stay in bed with your head under the cover; 

It's also better not to watch News on TV, everywhere you only hear catastrophes, never something positive and I doubt that next year will be better !

 Mood of the day




28 Dec 2022


Pookie added herself as Queen to the Kings

Arthur keeps the angels warm

Rosie is not sure to greet the angel

 All my cats during 18 - 20 years.

more participants here, and Image-in-ing here


Now I have the Christmas buzzle behind me, I was scared, it was the first Christmas without Rick and I really didn't feel like celebrating. Luckily I told my son not to celebrate Christmas here together with me, because when we called each other via Whatsapp on Christmas Eve, it was good that they hadn't come, because Toby was ill, my DIL didn't feel well either, she still suffers from the long Covid. 
I watched a movie, then ate my duck leg and did some TV zapping before going to bed. 
By coincidence suddenly I saw a documentary that showed Rick's town and the Garda Lake, where we had spent so many happy moments ! That was incredible. I could even see our friends house and the streets of Rovereto. How strange . When  it was over, I went to bed and was satisfied with my Christmas Eve.
On Christmas day Dominique came to celebrate with me. 
On the TV screen our King Philip doing his Christmas speech

She had been my neighbor for many years and then had moved away, but we always kept contact. We also did a lot of travels together. She came at 4 pm and we spent the evening together.  While we watched the movie "Indian Palace" which we had seen years ago, but we wanted to see it again, we enjoyed all kind of gourmet food, shrimps, Sushi,  St Jacques shells in Champagne sauce and to finish a strawberry mousse. By the time we had eaten up everything, we were both tired and went to bed. She slept in Rick's room which is now my guest room, because she didn't want to drive in the dark. Dominique has also Parkinson, but already a long time and the doctors could slow down the progress of the disease. We had a real nice time together,
On Boxing day (that's how the Brits call the second Christmas day) my son came with Toby, loaded with gifts for me. 
I got an external hard disk with a high storage capacity, a wonderful warm long scarf, and some other little things. I was really spoiled. When I had unwrapped my gifts, we went to the Italian restaurant where we often go, and as usual it was very good. Then we returned home and chatted a bit, before they had to leave and pick up Toby's best friend Benjy and return to Amsterdam. 
Now I am happy that my first Christmas without my better half, went quite well. 

26 Dec 2022



Rosie celebrates Christmas

linking to AWWW MONDAYS 



25 Dec 2022



Linking to Sunday Selection