15 Feb 2025


It's not my fault that I am boring, but the weather hasn't changed, we are all suffering from the rain, grey skies and strong wind! A really dreamy weather and it has been like that for 3 weeks! I can't go outside at all because it is too humid. Luckily we have fun every afternoon with our games. 

Our animators have a lot of work to always find new games, one for the brain and one for our
Fortunately there is Mr. Google ! Above you can see our Micado game with large sticks so that
no one can say I can't see them or I can't feel them !  What surprises me is that those who aren't
quite so clear-headed play much better than those of us who are still in our right minds. 
When I saw this Micado game for the first time I had to laugh ! It seemed to me as if it was for giants !

We had the visit of a class of kids who are on holidays. The School had asked if the 
kids could play for an hour in our park ! They had a lot of fun ! 
I still have not discovered everything in our castle, and when I went to the 3rd floor to visit a friend, I discovered the family church of the previous owners. The windows are very pretty !
We have a new Manager a very friendly lady. She doesn't stay in her office the whole day like the previous one who was fired, no she comes to the restaurant every day and chats with everybody and once when we had a fire alarm she went from room to room to see if the people were not afraid and if everything was OK. She also took note of all complaints, one complaint made us laugh, it was our little alcoholic friend who asked if we couldn't have an aperitif before lunch, and a bit more vine for lunch ! We have already 2 carafes per table, one red and one white. We all laughed and she too, most of us don't drink, because of medications or just because. 
I am still busy with creating my new blog, but it is a catastrophe ! They have changed so many things that I loose a lot of time. But I have made a header !
That's all what happened this week, except I have a big wound at my leg, I stepped on cat Rosie's tail !!! And she bit me ! Now I have a nice plaster that I have to wear for a week so that the wound heals. I told Rosie to put her tail in another direction and not just under my foot !
On Valentine's day Kim brought us a red rose and a card. I found that a real nice gesture. Most of us are widows, but we loved it. 

I hope that next week the sun will finally come out, not that we have to wait until Christmas !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

12 Feb 2025



1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening ? 

Before I started blogging I had never heard of a "Super Bowl" and I would probably taken it for a kind of soup. Now of course they even show little extracts during the news, of course it was an extract with the Trump family. In fact we have the same hysteria here with football (soccer) which has even become dangerous and sometimes there are deaths.

2. What's your 'superpower'? 

I would modestly say "nothing" but I am sure that I am well known as a superpower chatterbox !

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love. 

Fortunately Rick and I we never celebrated Valentine's day, neither in Germany nor in Italy at the time when we were young. Of course today it has swapped over from the States and you see hearts everywhere. For me it would be a sad day, a widow and Valentine's day that doesn't fit. And I have no memories of a Valentine's day. That's good. As most of my companions are widows too, I don't understand why our castle is decorated with hearts and other Valentine's decoration. 

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? 

Maybe I am not a fan of rom-com movies, but I like them from time to time. My favorite is "Notting Hill"


And my favorite love song is "Love of my life" from Freddy Mercury.

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E.

lights of volcanos explode

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am still trying to do a new blog, but I did a big mistake, there was an update for Firefox proposed and I clicked on yes ! Now everything is different and I am loosing time to find where the things are, I even lost this blog and nearly got a heart attack ! Fortunately suddenly it was there again.

And on top I stepped on Rosie's tail and to thank me she bit in my leg, blood was flooding like a waterfall and I needed 3 rolls of toilet paper to get it under control. I didn't want to call a nurse at 3am. I managed to stop the blood, put a plaster on the wound and returned to bed. This morning a nurse came and bandaged me properly.

Miss Dracula

10 Feb 2025


I drove withe friends to  Boulogne sur Mer (France) where we visited the Aquarium Nausicaa (all details here) The French Tourist Office describes it as the biggest of Europe. As everything in France, it is always the most beautiful, or the biggest or greatest. I wasn't surprised at all when I saw it. It was not big at all and I doubted that all creatures of the waterworld would fit in there !

This monster was busy to swallow a shrimp, which was sitting on its head and had walked slowly down directly into his mouth.

Jelly fishes in all forms and sizes

more participants here, and Image-in-ing

9 Feb 2025


