12 Feb 2025



1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening ? 

Before I started blogging I had never heard of a "Super Bowl" and I would probably taken it for a kind of soup. Now of course they even show little extracts during the news, of course it was an extract with the Trump family. In fact we have the same hysteria here with football (soccer) which has even become dangerous and sometimes there are deaths.

2. What's your 'superpower'? 

I would modestly say "nothing" but I am sure that I am well known as a superpower chatterbox !

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day? If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday? Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love. 

Fortunately Rick and I we never celebrated Valentine's day, neither in Germany nor in Italy at the time when we were young. Of course today it has swapped over from the States and you see hearts everywhere. For me it would be a sad day, a widow and Valentine's day that doesn't fit. And I have no memories of a Valentine's day. That's good. As most of my companions are widows too, I don't understand why our castle is decorated with hearts and other Valentine's decoration. 

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre? If so what's one of your favorites? If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story? How about a favorite love song? 

Maybe I am not a fan of rom-com movies, but I like them from time to time. My favorite is "Notting Hill"


And my favorite love song is "Love of my life" from Freddy Mercury.

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E.

lights of volcanos explode

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am still trying to do a new blog, but I did a big mistake, there was an update for Firefox proposed and I clicked on yes ! Now everything is different and I am loosing time to find where the things are, I even lost this blog and nearly got a heart attack ! Fortunately suddenly it was there again.

And on top I stepped on Rosie's tail and to thank me she bit in my leg, blood was flooding like a waterfall and I needed 3 rolls of toilet paper to get it under control. I didn't want to call a nurse at 3am. I managed to stop the blood, put a plaster on the wound and returned to bed. This morning a nurse came and bandaged me properly.

Miss Dracula


  1. Oh the technology updates often throw me off my game too. I think in the US Valentine's Day is mostly fun, but as with everything there are those who take it way over the top. I'm glad you had a great love and that is something to cherish. Have a nice week!

  2. I did something similar with my blog about a year ago - I must have accidentally made all my posts drafts. Blogger said they didn’t do it. I then started having nothing but problems so I started all over again with this one. So far no issues.
    I’m not big on Valentines Day. I remember those years I was divorced - my single and divorced girl friends would bring their children and come to my house and we would have so much fun. Now I’m remarried and our anniversary is the 16th and that is more important to observe!

    Your kitty must have sliced you to bleed that much. I hope it doesn’t get infected. I have a sweet cat but if I stepped in her tail, she’d do the same.

    Take care - Debby

  3. Valentine's Day is just another day to get people to spend their dollars! Way over rated in my opinion.
    I do dress up the dogs for a picture session, and then put it all away...teehee!
    Hubby takes me out to dinner...we made plans but I was supposed to work, so we changed them..and then the weather is horrible winter stormy, so we changed the dinner date again...but um..now I cannot go to my work at all for a good long while, since I just broke my wrist. Phooey!

    I hope your cat bite heals well. Once I stepped on one of our former kitty's tail, and he bit me in the ankle, but ii didn't bleed like your bite, yikes!
    I hope you have a good rest of your week.🥰

  4. Poor Rosie! Poor you, with those sharp little teeth in your leg.

  5. 5. L O V E
    Leave out vicious expressions - be polite.


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