20 May 2024


 Pictures from the past .....







We had severe flooding in some parts of Belgium. Even very close to here, fortunately apart from a lot of water on the lawn, we were spared from flooding. The castle is also located on a small hill.

As it was Pentecost a lot of residents had visitors or had been taken out for the afternoon by the families. We remaining, played a game which turned out to be a catastrophe, Kim, our animator, played a song and we had to find out the singer and the title of the song. He had chosen songs which were famous in their generation, with the result that the girls of this time had no time to listen to songs they had to work on a farm and nobody knew the song or singer or sometimes only the song but not the title. 

For me the songs were not modern enough and on top in French, when I started to go out there were other songs and other singers and a lot of English once. The girls didn't find any song or singer, and said, that when they danced they didn't care who was singing, but the two men found two songs ! It didn't matter we had fun listening to all kind of stories from their youth.

Listening to the songs

On Sunday it was rather cool, it didn't rain, but it was cloudy and we couldn't sit outside. Fortunately Kim entertained us this long weekend and he brought his dog Litchi along. It's interesting how dogs can feel the weakest once amongst us ! It was the second time she came and went immediately to a lady who hang in her wheelchair and her husband fed her ! Litchi laid her head on her lap and looked at her and she made a grimace which probably was a smile. Then he went to another one, who sat on a chair but looked lost, indeed she slowly looses her mind, and she greeted her the same way ! Then only she said hello to all the others !


Then she lay happily on the floor and listened what we said. Our game was to find French words, which were not used in Belgium, because we used other words. One word the French took into their dictionary and this was the word Kot. They use it too. In fact the origin is in the Brussels dialect and means a Studio for a student. Kot sounds nicer then studio ! The discussions became very animated because some only used the French words and others the Belgian once, I said I use both, it depends with whom I speak. Then we had our coffee and cookies together. Meanwhile the sun had come out and we tried to go out, but it was too cool for me and some others too, so we returned to our rooms.

Tomorrow is another holiday, we hope for sunshine !









  1. Even though that flooding is terrible, it is good that your castle is protected from such things, so that you stay safe there. It sounds that even though the weather was not the nicest, you still had fun.
    Here we had 30C and very humid, (Muggy), so even though it was nice and sunny it wasn't too pleasant to be out there. I always feel bad for those workers who have outside jobs and have to endure such conditions.

    I hoppe you'll have a nice week ahead!

  2. While you are a cat person, aren't dogs just so wonderful.

    The argument over studio or kot sounds funny.

    You really are living a good life, in spite of the loss of your Ric.

  3. Flooding has been dreadful in so many places.
    Litchi is very empathetic and a great comfort.

  4. Lots of beautiful cats. They do bring us such joy.

    I hope you have wonderful weather for the upcoming holiday.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  5. I think everyone I see or hear from has crazy and wild weather. We have cool temps and rain today. The thunder was rolling earlier but only a few sprinkles so far. Veronica Lee was mentioning the best chocolate in the world is in Belgium. When I worked in the medical school years ago many doctors on sabbatical went to Switzerland or Belgium and brought us delicious chocolates. Those felines are quite amusing. I have a very naughty one . He ate his dinner now he is on the prowl looking for other food he can devour. I hope you will have good weather for your holiday. Take care.

  6. The flooding looks awful. Good job you're on top of a hill. What a wonderful companion that dog is.


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