30 Nov 2020


Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 




The weekend went by quite quickly, I had to do my shopping for the whole week and of course it took me a little more then the granted 30 min shopping time decided by the Lockdown committee. It's obvious that this rule must have been decided by a man who never does shopping ! How can a mum with 3 children aged from 3 to 15 shop in 30 minutes ?? He should have tried at least once ! 

My childhood friend from Germany called me for a chat, the rules are almost the same she can walk around and her husband plays golf the only sport allowed, and for the poors ? what sport ? They will spend Christmas just with one daughter and her husband, they live quite close to them. She has two other children with families ! Not so easy to choose !

I have no idea how we will spend Christmas, all depends if it's not too difficult to travel from the Netherlands to Belgium, because there are papers requested and tests to be made ! It's also crazy because we are limited to 4 people but have a curfew from 10 pm to 6 pm. I think they have to change the rules not all people are ready to respect these sometimes not very logical once.

The weather was beautiful but cold and I thought that's nice for photo hunting. Which I did but sitting in my car the window open. I had a bit of difficulties with breathing. I drove around in the sunshine and took pictures, it was nice.


a Christmas tree in one part of the city, a pity that it was too light because it is very beautiful !


The trees in the wood looked a bit creepy without leaves


The week ended with our lockdown meeting, we met at Nicole's and I forgot to take a few pictures of her cat which I would have needed for my cat blog. 

The main subject of our chats was Christmas celebrations, New Year was not that important ! In normal times we celebrate Christmas with the family and New Year with friends. But for my two friends it was more difficult as for us, because they are more people as allowed, only counting the family ! 

I think this year there will be many infractions ! Some people prefer to be with their loved once and take the risk to get the virus, especially the old people who think it could be their last Christmas ! When you are 80 or 90 it could well be possible !


  1. I think trees without leaves can be quite beautiful and as you have recently learnt, they open up your view so much.

  2. We are over all the rules and will do what we want when it comes to gathering. It is our house, our family, and no one will tell us how many people or how we can celebrate. It is ridiculous. Gramma is 84, and not real healthy. She is depressed enough being stuck home all the time, so holidays will be celebrated with her and since we are not a reckless family, chances are quite slim anyone will be bringing the virus. Hope you can see your family at Christmas.

  3. Awww on that adorable pup. Love the kerchief. Perfect.

    There is a lot of push back with all the lock downs here too. Many are not complying. We are, but many aren't.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. ♥

  4. Aw the puppy as adorable. Hope you manage to sort out your plans for Christmas.

  5. Your Header is stunning! The pup looks adorable!
    As for Christmas and New Year - don't you worry about celebrations! The main thing is to keep safe and well. You've got many years ahead to celebrate whatever you wish to celebrate.
    Enjoy the now, and take care of your health!

  6. I love that little puppy face, too sweet!

  7. I think we are all a bit tired of this virus and everything it has brought with it. I can't remember the last time I went out of the house for anything except grocery shopping - it was probably in September. We have to wear masks even to go for a walk and I don't enjoy that at all. So I have turned into a couch potato.

  8. Aww what a cute doggie :-)
    Around here, stores don’t have time limit to shop. Some require masks but not everyone follows the rule. No plan to travel any time soon...I’d love to visit my family in Japan but it’s just too difficult now. Hopefully next year :-)
    The Christmas tree looks huge and pretty!

  9. What a cute beagle and I love your photos! Trees without leaves are natures sculptures! Cheers and take care!


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