27 May 2024


Rosie as a baby and as teenager






On Saturday morning it rained again, of course. My mood was dark and I sat in the deep basement. But then I had an idea, my car had to drive a little faster and further than it always does here in Waterloo and that's when I thought of "Lac Genval" which is an artificial lake, located not so far from Waterloo. The lake is surrounded by turn-of-the-century homes built during the "belle Epoque" I have been there many times, with boyfriends, with Rick and with the whole family, mother and father included It's really nice to walk around the lake but I couldn't do it anymore, it would have been too much for me.

Rick and I at the lake

A small lake with lots of geese and other swimming animals, which my little son used to fed.  There was also a windsurfing school there and when I arrived, they had just finished a regatta and were surfing towards their club house. I drove around the entire lake, stopped where I felt like it, sat on a bench, took photos and then felt much better.

A very posh Hotel
A fisherman tried his luck
from far the windsurfers with orange sails

When I came back I heard the voice of Pauline's daughter and went into her room to say hello. Her daughter is a very nice woman but she smothers her poor mother with all sorts of suggestions and what she should and has to do, to be honest I would have thrown her out already, especially since poor Pauline had just come back from the hospital and was still very weak, she had the second pneumonia within 3 months and especially needed rest. I really felt sorry for her. There are people who kill their beloved once with too much love. I sometimes had the impression when I was in Italy with Rick's family they suffocated me. Here it was the same. Before I exploded I quickly went to my room. 

I had spent a day like I used to do, I went out and took my photos, the sun had come out and I had enjoyed the lake, it hadn't changed at all ! 

On Sunday morning when I looked out of the window, the park was beautiful, but the sky grey with dark clouds. It started to to rain buckets of water, and my mood sank ! But after lunch the sun appeared a little bit, and as for the moment I can't stay inside, I thought I take my car and drive around. I found myself direction Brussels and saw from far the "Brussels" eye which had been in another place before.

The Brussels' eye

View over Brussels
 I hadn't been here for a long time. There were roadworks and detours everywhere. I drove through areas I had never seen before with beautiful old mansions,  then I got back on the main road and ended in front of the Palace of Justice.
Luckily my car is so small that I can fit into the smallest gap, the time to take a few pictures. There were a lot of tourists there because you can see whole  Brussels from here. Then I pressed "go home" on my GPS and was led through all possible detours until I finally ended up in my castle. 
At times the sun had disappeared and it was raining so heavily that it felt like it was night. I had to turn on the headlights.
At home I quickly visited Jeanine, who lives at the other end of the castle in what used to be a monastery. Small apartments were built there for couples. Her husband had also died recently and she wants to stay in the apartment for a while as long as it is not needed for another couple. 
I was satisfied with my "driving test", my reflexes were still there, no one had to honk because I was driving too slowly, in short, I drove as usual. Exam passed ! I can still keep my car.


  1. Wow, you were brave to do battle with all that dsetouring and construction on the roads! But yes, you passed!! Hooray!

    When the sun is put the world around us looks so much pleasanter!! You took some great images!

  2. Do you remember the shortness of the dresses we used to wear in the 1964-9 era? My grandmother thought I was a tart ha ha

  3. Lovely photos and how good that you've been out and about. Lac Genval looks great.
    I understand the smothering thing. Old people might have severe old age symptoms, but don't assume their minds have gone.
    I think some older people know when to stop driving, but some don't. I'm pleased you did so well.

  4. Judging by the photo, You and Rick ere a splendid couple!

  5. Rosie was an adorable kitten and a beautiful cat now.

    You and Rick were a most beautiful couple. You were a HOTTIE.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  6. Ingrid I am so happy that you are still driving and that was a wonderful way to cheer yourself up! Love the new pictures and the memories. That picture of you and Rik at the Lake is something fabulous to remember.

    I don't drive here in Florida and so I'm a bit envious, hopefully I will remember how when we get back to Oregon). (Too much traffic here and our travel van is our only car here and it is too much for me.)


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