4 Dec 2024

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY - The Cinquantenaire in Brussels


The Arcade du Cinquantenaire which is a monumental triple arch in the center of the Cinquantenaire park in Brussels. It is topped by a bronze quadriga sculptural group with a woman charioteer, representing Brabant raising the national flag. The sidewalls feature personifications of Belgian provinces: Brabant being represented by the quadriga, East Flanders, West Flanders, Antwerp, Liège, Hainaut, Limburg, Namur and Luxembourg. Twelve spandrels are decorated with allegories of Arts and Industry. 

This park was created in 1880 and built by King Leopold II to celebrate Belgian's fifty years of independence. Eight statues of women, symbolising the provinces surround it, the two Flanders being represented by a single statue. Inside the building you can visit, the Royal Army and Military History Museum and Autoworld as permanent exhibitions. 

more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. That is a beautiful place and such a serene park!

  2. That is most impressive and the park looks beautiful.

  3. Absolutely stunning, and I've never seen or heard of it before.

  4. I hope these are old photos Gattina and you didn't visit Brussels without giving a sign ;-)

  5. Great post and photos. I love learning about new beautiful places I never knew existed.


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