30 Sept 2010

ALPHABET THURSDAY - The Bed in your Life

Jenny Matlock
more participants at Jenny Matlock's Alphabet Thursday

This is the very first time I participate in this meme or theme or whatever it is, because I am a little fed up with Thursday Thirteen. After 3 years it becomes more and more difficult to find 13 things to write about and this group seems very interesting so I give it a try.



Have you ever thought about how important Beds are in our lives ?

For a child the bed is rather an annoying place because it is only used for sleeping and not for other amusements. Some parents even send their children to bed as a punishment and are then surprised that the child doesn't want to go to bed at night.

This changes later when the bed is used to make experiences with the opposite sex. At this time it is still a bed for one person. Later usually the bed doubles, for example after marriage or partnership. Now there is room for two and in the beginning it is used for pleasure and procreation purposes. When the results of the procreation are there the bed can be used as a Sunday battle field with the children.

When the children are too old for that, the bed becomes again a place for two. It is used for reading and mostly sleeping and occasionally for other purposes. The next step is when the bed becomes a terror place where one partner lays with open eyes helpless there and has to listen to the the loud snoring of her partner which makes her think of a motor saw. (I say her, because statistically men snore more !) The peaceful sweet face in which you looked with loving eyes is suddenly transformed into a monster mask with a big open mouth and the bed can become a place for planning a perfect murder.

After some time of good will and trials with ear plugs or stopping the snoring with more brutal means, comes the big decision, to make two beds out of one, when there is enough room as the children are gone. You move with your bed in one room and your partner with his bed in an other. Now peace is in the house again because both partners snore peacefully in their respective beds. But lots of couples don't remain alone in their beds. Now they share it with cats or dogs or both, and if they are lucky none of them snores.


  1. As usual Gattina you have made me laugh, and the jokes are so funny but so very very true.

  2. The peaceful sweet face in which you looked with loving eyes is suddenly transformed into a monster mask with a big open mouth and the bed can become a place for planning a perfect murder.
    - haha!

  3. How true. Every word of it. Thank goodness my snoring doesn't bother my dogs. They continue to allow me to sleep on part of the their bed! ~Ames

  4. You had me in stitches.....so funny yet so true. I'm lucky I don't sleep with a snorer.

  5. Unfortunately Gattina.... I do!

  6. Yep, getting that bed just right is what a good nights rest is all about! What a Boost to the Bed Industry we all are! Great cartoons!

  7. Lol, I liked the reason she had in mind for more pillows that was funny

  8. THAT is the perfect essay on beds! The perfect place to plot a murder! LOL!!!

  9. I smile every time I look at my bed, just waiting for me to crawl in with a good book. Thanks for a great post!

  10. You are so right. My husband snores so much that I have to go to bed before him, now he complains I snore too, and he puts a pillow between us, sometimes the pillow fall on to me, and I accuse him of stifling me.

    We haven't come to a stage of sleeping in separate rooms.

  11. I love the last cartoon :)

  12. I love my bed! Getting into bed is the best time of the day! I am surrounded by my hubby, and my two dogs. Some of us snore, but I'm not telling who.

  13. Oh Gattina, you are hilarious. What a coincidence that you wrote about beds. We got my son his first grown-up bed today. He is so excited he has not gone to sleep yet.
    And you are lucky if none of your cats snore. Our cat used to snore louder than a human :)

  14. Welcome to the group of nuts! Grand debut Gattina. Love the cartoons at the end. They sum up all that you said quite nicely.

  15. True!!!
    But now there are medecins against snoring! We will try it !!!
    Personnaly I love my bed after the long journey at work and the long evening after! Just now I enjoy to think i will go to bed!!!

  16. Such a cute post. You had me laughing about the snoring and using earplugs and everything else. I have the same issues with my snoring husband. Sometimes the earplugs work, but when he is really loud I go to another bed. I have to have my sleep!

  17. LOL! fun and true! The comics are great!

  18. Gattina, welcome to Alphabe-Thursday. I hope you like it here.

    I certainly liked visiting your blog for the first time.

    This was such a funny post. I often lay awake listening to my husbands c-pap make horrific noises and thinking about using one, or more pillows, as your funny cartoon illustrates!

    Really entertaining link. Thanks for sharing your humor and insight with us.


  19. I have one of those buzz saws in my bed when he gets a cold. It is loud enough to hear in the guest room so I just stay.

  20. OMG! You found just the right place to share your blogs. That was hysterical and the snoring made me laugh out loud! Please come back next week.

  21. Planning his murder? Oh my, I love the tone of your writing. A mocking seriousness that makes me giggle.
    Good Job!
    Welcome to Alphabe Thursday.

  22. Do we all have a beloved Snorer?! That made me laugh because it's all so true!

  23. oh i do love my bed...and the bed as punishment never made sense to me either...


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