25 Jul 2022



more participants :AWWW MONDAYS



On Saturday I woke up at 7 and thought it's a bit early to get up. I took my Kindle and started to read a bit and suddenly the tablet was on my belly and it was 9 am I must have fallen asleep but was convinced I hadn't.

It was warm and sticky outside and I had my breathing problems which I didn't have had for a long time. I worked a bit on my computer and after lunch while I watched my short crime story I fell asleep again ! Now it was getting warmer and warmer. I took my car and went looking for a new tablet, because mine is a very old Kindle I think I got it in 2014 from my son for my birthday. 

It was nice to drive also for my rather sad mood. I noticed that driving around calms me down and makes me feel better. That's rather strange because most of the women I know once they approach or are over 80 don't want to drive anymore. Apparently as usual I do it the other way around !

My son is in Sardinia and sends me pictures of what they see and do, which makes me happy because it feels a bit as if I am participating too.  Below is a little video of Toby and his Dad who for the first time tried snorkeling  !

On Sunday another heat wave was announced ! And unfortunately the weatherman was right, we melted again ! But this time I didn't want to spent my day in the living room with closed windows and curtains to keep the heat outside as they do in Italy, I called a friend and asked her if she want to come with me for a "walk" around the lake Genval nearby ! She answered that I was crazy walking in this heat ! But when I told her that I let my car "walk" and we sitting inside nice and cool, she immediately agreed ! And we drove about 20 km to the lake and then around and I took a few pictures out of the window. 

Outside meanwhile it was 32°C and nearly nobody outside and the terraces of the restaurants were empty, too hot !

It was really nice to drive around the lake and watch the boats and some people swimming.  When we had made the tour, we drove back home, but not right away, 

 we stopped in the café of the Carrefour market which was air conditioned sat down and had both a refreshing drink. 

Satisfied of our day I drove my friend home and returned home too.


  1. What a sensible way to spend the day. I cannot imagine not driving. They'll have to drag my licence away from me lol

  2. Nice video of father and son in water!
    It's good that you 've found a way to calm you down and overcome heat.

  3. If you don't have air conditioning, the heat is really bad. Thankfully we have it and can come inside to cool off.

  4. Love that header photo. Bird and people watching can be very entertaining for sure. Have a blessed week.

  5. If you are in the shade, 32 is not too bad for sitting outside. But if the humidity is high, maybe it would be too much. Cute video of son and grandson underwater.

  6. It was very hot here last week, but today we were about 26C. Pleasant and wonderful! Taking the car for a spin with the AC is a great way to enjoy a cooler bit of time, and better yet to spend it with a good friend.


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