31 Jan 2008


An email with 13 points addressed to you

Dear ladies and gents,

I herewith want to thank you for all the emails I got from you during the past year, because thanks to you :

1. I have read 170 times that MSN hotmail will cancel my account

2. I accumulated around 3000 years of misfortune and I died 67 times, because I interrupted an email chain.

3. When I leave IKEA, I don't look at anybody, I am afraid that I am kidnapped, drugged and my kidnay taken out to sell it on the black market

4. I also sent all my savings to Amy Bruce, a poor little girl who was very ill and in a hospital 7000 times at least (it seems only strange to me that she is still 8 years old since 1995)

5. My free Nokia mobile never arrived

6. I signed a petition together with 3000 other people to save russian pigmy squirrels with special fur, threatened with extinction

7. I also now know what to do to never be alone again in love, I just have to write down the person's name on a piece of paper and think of him very strongly while scratching my bottom and turning around my car.

8. I have read at least 25 tons of books from the Dalai Lama and accumulated happiness for the next 4690 years.

9. I was able to participate in "save the world" by sending 100 € to an account in India

10. I had to watch my screen 50 times at night to see that famous message that a $@#:/ virus has got in and not even Microsoft, Mac Affee, or Norton Symmantec can protect me, destroying my hard disk, my stereo, my coffee machine and my ice crasher

11. I will get at least 10 packets of condoms in different shades and sizes

12. I was safed 89 times from disasters by ordering a bible each time

13. IMPORTANT !! if you don't put these 12 points down in an email and send it to at least 8500 persons in 10 sec, a dinosaur will come from the universe and devour your whole family tomorrow at 5.30 am !


  1. HA I liked that!Nice Thursday List! Come check out some games on my list!

  2. LMAO....yep, ditto....Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

  3. Et bien! "Tout va bien, je vais bien" comme dit l'autre comique! Je me demande comment les gens peuvent avoir le temps de faire passer toutes ces chaines stupides! Alors comment vas tu? Hier je n'ai pas eu le temps de bloguer. Comme il fait beau je commence à remettre le jardin en ordre, enlever les feuiles, les mauvaises herbes... pendant que Pierre commence à travailler la terre avec le tracteur. Et j'essaie de faire un peu de sport coome me le prescrit mon médecin car depuis mon opération il faut que je ma remuscle absolument. Alors après tout ça j'étais ko!
    Je te souhaite une bonne journée!

  4. I love that list!

    I am lucky that I have had several bank loans approved, and I don't even remember applying for them.

  5. Funny list.

    I've done cat book covers just for you this week. :)

  6. I love your list.

    My email is always implying that my penis is not large enough. The nerve!

  7. That's funny. And #5....you mean Nokia phones still work? LOLOLOLOL

    [regarding the Google Reader....no, I'm not showing up on anyone's reader. All you have to do is remember I blog every day!!!]

  8. I used to carefully research all of those e-mails on Snopes.com and then send the explanation of why/how it isn't true to the person who sent it to me. I don't even bother anymore.

    RE: Your Comment Blurb:
    I suffer from the mental illness of depression and cringe when I read things that equate my illness with bad behavior. I say this respectfully in my role as promoter of understanding mental illness.

  9. Isn't it funny all the strange things people send you? I have vowed never to do that again.

  10. Hehehe loved this list!!! I think I have died about 100 times myself for angering the email gods lol!!

  11. Funny list! I sometimes get funny and strange topics on my email too.

    My TT: Environmental Care.

  12. Oh dear! Looks like I now know when and how I'll die too!

  13. I don't suffer from much email spam. I have no idea why that is.

  14. I get ads for viagra and politicians. I wonder if they're connected.

  15. You are so funny. I remember when email was really just for communicating with friends! HA!! I can't remember a time I received an update from a friend. Very sad.

    Happy TT!

  16. I came here for WW but this caught my attention first. I don't have that many people in my address book...too bad about the dinosaur thing. I was kinda attached to my family. But seeing as you are so thankful, I'll be sure to add you to any email lists I come across. :)

  17. LOL! Thanks for making me laugh!

  18. What a great laugh. I get so tired of chain letters--especially from people I'd really like to hear from.

    My TT is up.

  19. Yeah, been there, received those. Blessings, Cricket

  20. Great list! I wish I knew how the girl stayed 8 years old...would it work to stay 36 I wonder.

  21. I've got this as an e-mail about a zillion times... *LOL*
    Thanks for visiting my fridge TT!


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !