31 Jan 2021


For today I found some pictures which I had put in a folder with the label "Failed photos" ! They are all from different years and I had kept them because some of them look like modern art ! If I had wanted to shoot photos like this, I probably would never had this result ! Don't ask me what is represented, I really don't remember,  in some I saw fishes !


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  1. They are a bit of fun. The first two must have been taken while looking into an Amsterdam canal.

  2. Not failed at all. Down right fascinating. And I always enjoy watching fish. Some of these look very big.

  3. Right. These pictures look like modern, abstract works of art. I would probably have deleted them, but then, I'm not modern art-oriented. I'll go only for the obvious and the clear in a picture.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !