Drafts men, authors, booksellers, private individuals and book professionals were present on this occasion. There were also all kind of animations, catering, barbecue and of course local beer tastings.
It was very interesting which books were on sale really very cheap. And there were a lot ! From very old antiques to old books and modern cartoons. People want to get rid of their books to win space, as now you can read everything on a ebook reader. That's what a man said, and I agree.
I took some pictures :
I found fairy tales, very old books, and science books, it was a real hodgepodge ! People chatted together, it was a real nice atmosphere !
When I had walked enough I returned home, just in time as the Formular 1 was just finished and I found a disappointed Mr. G. comforted by cat Arthur.

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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !