5 Jul 2019


The weather had cooled down and the heatwave was finally over ! Everybody was relieved ! It was my turn for the Scrabble and we sat under the Pergola in the shade, and after the game I had Italian ice cream with blueberries and whipped cream. The ice was real good.

I didn't sleep very well, because Mr. G. at 1am had thought it was 7 am (reading problems) and had gotten up to prepare his breakfast and waiting for the psychotherapist who should come at 11 am ! I heard strange noises looked at my clock and saw 1 am ! I got up thought something terrible has happened, and found him in the kitchen preparing coffee ! I was not pleased, sent him to bed and then couldn't sleep anymore, I had been so worried. Since he has had his hip surgery he sometimes does strange things. Somebody told me that it is probably due to the anaesthesia at his age it takes a long time until they really recover.

Next catastrophe was my smartphone I had connected it to the charger but it didn't charge. I tried with several cables, and plugs and sockets and only with one it loaded but very slowly. I imagined the worst, and as next week I start my tour around the 8 Eastern countries, my smartphone had to work !

Again stressed I went to a shop which had been opened by 4 young men who repair, tablets, computers and smartphones. The guy who checked my phone and the cables, and plugs was very friendly, told me that two cables were not working anymore the metal piece at the end was crooked. Now it works perfectly again. I asked him how much I had to pay and he smiled and said "nothing Madame, it was a pleasure" ! That lifted my mood a bit that day, which ended with other troubles !

Myriam had proposed to go to "Morocco" for a change, which is located in one long street, one shop after the other near the North Station in Schaerbeek a borrow of Brussels. All shops and restaurants are owned by Moroccan or by Turks. There are also a lot of restaurants and snacks.

In this street you find everything, local food from these countries, spices, butchers, bakeries, boutiques, jewelry, clothes, shoes, in short everything you could need !

It was sunny and we arrived just for lunch time. She always goes to the same restaurant and the food was delicious and the people so cheerful and friendly ! they even offered me a coffee !

Then we started our shopping I needed a few things for my tour, light and practical and everything was so cheap, unbelievable and often the same things they sell in Waterloo for more than the double price ! I'll never buy something here again. Finally I found 2 trousers large and light, which you can roll into a ball and it doesn't wrinkle, for just 5 € each, a carpet for the bathroom, Bermudas for Mr. G. and sunglasses. Everything for 5 € ! We both were very satisfied with our shopping.

Then I drove home, she doesn't dare to ride a car in Brussels. It was fully packed and lots of streets closed because of the "Tour de France" which starts in Brussels ! Despite all the works and preparations my Mrs. GPS took us safely home.

It was the last day of our painting class, the official summer holidays have started, as each year we celebrated the end of the school year, but we had decided not to take "school" holidays.

We had asked if we could use the room during these two month and teach ourselves on Thursdays. The room was mostly free, so we can get together during July and August ! Of course instead of starting at 9 am, we will arrive later and everybody can do what she wants our teacher included !

Later I made a list of everything I would need to do before leaving, all things which Mr. G. took care of before. During my absence he is well "babysitted" by the nurse who comes every day, my neighbors and friends.  I think I have never needed holidays so much as this year.  The tour will certainly be very interesting.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. Have they ever check Mr. G. For TIA's? Those are little mini-strokes that make people do strange things. Jack has had them off and on.
    I am so glad you are getting away. It is very hard to be the caregiver and have all responsibility on you. I am trying to get-away on little mini trips, so I can have a break.

  2. Have your husband's doc checked for dementia? my dad's was brought on by the grief from my mom's sudden death. He began to do strange things like your husband. Will say a prayer for your guy!!

    that day of shopping on that street looks amazing...looks like a fun place to visit!!

    I love exploring new places. and restaurants.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  3. So happy you are going on a holiday!

    Are you going with a group, perhaps? That would be some trip, by yourself. :-)

    ๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. I do enjoy your interesting posts and I can relate to your need for a holiday! I am a the sole caregiver for my 92 year old mother. Any type of an outing, even grocery shopping can be something to look forward to. Thankfully, her mind is very sharp still. Enjoy your trip!

  5. Anaesthesia can have some strange effects.

  6. A while back I saw an article from a woman who had been hit by a bus writing a year later about her recovery and the fact that it was more than physical. Sometimes an illness or health issue can be traumatic in itself, and it takes a while to heal from the trauma. I hope Mr. G. continues to progress.

    My husband has done that, too, for no apparent reason - woke up thinking it was later than it was, misreading the clock. And once he's up, he's awake.

    I was concerned about Mr. G. while you'll be away - glad he has many people to look out for him.

    That market sounds great! I'm glad you were able to get your phone cables taken care of before your trip. Have fun!

  7. I hope you get everything sorted and ready for your trip. Looks like you will be seeing some interesting places. I also hope Mr G will be ok while you're gone.

  8. Sounds like a fun day out preparing for your trip. Have a wonderful trip away and enjoy yourself.

  9. How nice of those fellas to look after your phone for no charge. Glad it was a simple fix. Glad Mr. G. will have people looking out for him while you are gone. Waking up in the middle of the night like that is so hard.


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