9 Sept 2023


Laura had invited me to tell me about her adventures in France. She has a beautiful old but modernized farm there as holiday home and retired there for 2 months after the death of her husband. 

She told me about her neighbor who has about 30 cats well fed but not spayed ! Apparently now they mayor intervened.

A kitten settled in with her and her younger son couldn't resist and took her to Belgium where she now lives as a princess! Sterilized first of course, it's a Miss with the beautiful name Pumpkin. The next day it was so hot and humid that I couldn't even go out, I got breathless after a few steps. 

Therefore I spent the day with taking pictures of the things I want to sell and look for addresses to Experts whom I will contact to have an idea of the prices. Sometimes a thing I almost throw in the bin had a value from over 100 €.

My new room

Laura also wanted to see my "castle" so we went. I was surprised that they had already started to renovate "my" room nr 13. It turned out that there was a mistake in the price list and this room was more for two people; I told the secretary I don't care if the room is a bit smaller anyway I won't give orgies there,  as long as I had the VIEW on this beautiful park. She looked on the planning and told me I could have nr. 14 which is just besides the nr. 13, in fact it was not occupied for so long, because people didn't want to live in a room nr. 13 ! I had never thought of this ! Fortunately Rosie is not completely black.

view from the window where I will put my little office, computer etc.

She took the keys to show us the room and I was pleasantly surprised, it was a little different but the size was about the same and I had a view of the park and mini golf. Laura estimated if I could take my two sofas and the table with me and thinks it is possible. Otherwise I will see. 

There were a few furniture in the room which will be replaced by mine.Miss Rosie also has a space in the bathroom which is very huge so I will make her a private corner there except her basket which has to be besides my bed. 

Now again I move my furniture around in the new room, if only the owner would find somebody to rent the apartment then I could move in earlier.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. That's a lovely view, Ingrid. I'm sure you'll see some wildlife there.

  2. Who is Laura?
    It depends on how many visitors you expect at one time, but might one sofa not be enough? Better to not overcrowd.
    What does you favourite son think about you moving?

    1. She is a very old friend from the 60th ! I used to work with her husband for 10 years and we still remained friends. The name is not real, in case too curious people want to know every footstep I do. lol

  3. What a nice view from your new room! Figuring out what to do with your stuff will take some time, thought, and energy, but it will be nice when you're finally settled in your new place. It's so nice Rosie can go with you. My FFF: https://barbaraleeharper.com/2023/09/08/fridays-fave-five-711/.

  4. Looks like you will have a wonderful view from your new dwelling place.
    I like # 13, I and hubby are born on a 13, and so was my mother and several of my friends.

    Best wishes on all your pre-moving work.

  5. I can see why you are insisting on a room with a view. It would be nice if you could be in and settled by Christmas.

  6. You will love that room with a view. I remember how you have enjoyed the view from your apartment balcony.
    Hopefully, you will be able to move in soon.
    It is good that Rosie will be comfortable too.

  7. I am so glad Rosie is able to go with you. Love all the sunshine you get in the room and the view is lovely.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !