11 Sept 2023


Leia Toby's furry brother is growing ! She is 5 months old now. Next month pour girl has to go to the vet to get spayed.



Saturday when I tried to get up I felt already that it was a bad day and just this day my son came, he wanted to see where his mother would live in the future ! 

It was so hot over 30°C, the heat wave continues ! I took a pill to feel better and it worked a bit. 

Dario the poor boy had left Amsterdam after 11 am because he had to bring Leia (the new dog) to the doggy school, so that she will be the best educated dog in the world. No I am kidding, because she will be very tall and has to be educated. 

The highway was congested so that he arrived only at 3.30 pm! We left immediately for my Boarding school for vintage people and what he saw he liked ! That that was already good. 

Then at the reception, the young woman looked at me and asked "Is the room for your mother" ? I didn't understand first, but then Dario  laughed and said no, it's for her, pointing at me ! 

The girl made big eyes when I told her that I was 80 and it is not too early to go into a retirement home especially when you have no family near you and most of the friends are still working. 

I put my own furniture in and also the curtains, Rosie is allowed to come with me if I take care of her. Which I will do with pleasure. A poor nurse has enough to do with the people. 

We went to my room. He was surprised that it was so big, he probably had thought that I had exaggerated. The view of course he loved too, and found it wonderful. He doesn't say it but I knew seeing his face.

When we had finished, I showed him the restaurant and the Library then we sat down a bit and admired this beautiful park. They offered us, water, coffee, or juice. In no retirement home I had ever gotten something to drink ! (except self service in the toilet !)

Then we returned home. Curtains and windows closed because of the heat, we fell on the sofas ! Then it was time for supper and we went to Rick's favorite restaurant "La dolce Vita". Now the temperature was very nice and we could sit outside. When we came home we were both tired but he helped me with a problem I had with my tablet. Then I said good night and fell in my bed. And for once I was not moving furniture around I slept very well ! 

Sunday was a catastrophe, it was so hot without a little breath !  I had my breakfast and then we talked about how to arrange the furniture and also if my tablet worked now. 

The slightest move with your little finger and you were exhausted. Therefore we had a salad together and then he left for Amsterdam and this time on time. 

It was a short visit, but better then nothing, only it was a pity that I was not on the top of form and we couldn't do anything, it simply was too hot. There was a farmer's fest just in the park in front of my building, but I was unable to go in this heat and he had to drive home. I hope that next week the temperature drops a bit !


  1. It's good that Dario has seen (and approved!) your new home.
    It's going to be cooler this week, thank goodness.
    My daughter says that Amsterdam is one of THE places for advertising and for the 'creatives' like Dario. She is a producer.

    1. That's true there are American and British advertising companies. I don't like the Dutch mentality, I couldn't live there.

  2. It is wonderful that you are making this move because you want to and not because your family is putting you there. It sounds like a wonderful place that you will enjoy.

  3. Awww. I got a definite soft spot for puppies!

  4. Awww the pup is a cutie pie. One look with those eyes and she gets whatever she wants. Rosie is still cuter though.

    I love you new digs. You'll be happy there and won't have to worry about things that need attention. I'm glad you can take Rosie with you.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥


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