7 Sept 2023


1. It's National Read A Book Day...whatcha' reading? What's a book you want to read?

I have read so many books at my vintage age, that now I read interesting blogs, that's real life and I learn a lot how people live on other continents or countries, and finally except for food we are all the same !

2. Which is better...having high expectations or low expectations? Explain why. 

Difficult question. It depends on age. Now at my vintage age I have neither high nor low expectations. I take it how it comes.

3. Serenity is_for me is watching the waves of the sea and listen to the sound

4. What's  the most interesting thing in your purse or pocket right now? 


Maybe not interesting (only for me) but the most important. A picture of my late husband

5. What helps you calm down? 

It depends on how angry I am. Either I take my car and drive around, or I throw whatever is lying around somewhere.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I avoid to think ! I could think about a bouquet of roses and after a few seconds I am back to my move again. I think what I should take with me, what not, how get I rid of all things I certainly would not need. Some days I know everything and then the next day I am lost and I change again. 

In fact it's probably very easy. my cats I sell, silver cutlery too, and also some other stuff and all the rest, furniture etc I call the guy who has already emptied our house. Sounds easy, so why I am so stressed ?


  1. I suspect you'll continue to feel stressed until the day you move and then you won't be able to chop and change - it will be done:-)

  2. Downsizing is a hard job even when you know it is the right move (hard mentally, even if you have someone to do the heavy lifting stuff). You have every reason to feel stressed. Go ahead and throw something across the room -- that will relieve the stress and be one less thing you have to think about )).

  3. Wow, I have missed so many of your posts!!

    You are down sizing, and my oldest son is just starting out with his first house!! I would love to downsize now, way before we need to think about moving at all. That would make it easier later for all involved, I think. Hubby is of the lets not bother with that now...LOL!
    You sure do have a ton of kitties keeping the shelves company...here they are filled with military drummers, (300+, since someone on my mother's side, way back in the 1700's I believe, was a drummer in the Dutch army (Tambour), so I just started collecting them over many years, now. Who would want those??

    Take care!
    Hugs for you!
    ((( ♥ )))

  4. I like to read.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. I enjoyed your answers this week.

  6. It's been many years since I've been to the ocean.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !