3 Apr 2023


Exposition in Waterloo





Saturday I did nothing special, in the evening we had our Waterloo Facebook meeting in a nice Greek restaurant. I didn't feel like it at all, but Isabel told me that I have to go there to meet people and have fun. I said to myself, she's probably right, I can't stay like this, I have to make an effort. 

I disguised myself as a merry widow and got there on time. The food was very good and so were the two young singers, but somehow I didn't feel normal. I laughed with the others, but that was only on the surface. Before they started dancing, I grabbed my coat and left. I couldn't stand the noise any longer, nor the happy people. When I got home I went straight to bed. It was probably too early to go out with so many people.

 On Sunday I slept a little longer and then prepared the guestroom for Dominique. I had emptied my new little vacuum cleaner and wanted to put it together. After an hour I gave up and had lunch. I watched my movie and suddenly the doorbell rang I had fallen asleep !! It was Dominique. A strong Coffee made us half fit again and I asked her to help me with the  vacuum cleaner. After an hour she gave up and we both considered us as genius.

Suddenly I saw what had happened we had put one pièce in the wrong way. We came to the conclusion that men can be useful sometimes. Meanwhile it was time for super and we had pasta in form of a mussel with mushrooms and a chorizo sauce. Was real good. As we both were not in our best shape I choose the wrong movie on YouTube it was a film for Kids. That changed us from my murder and Dominique from her action films.

We checked the documents for our Danube river cruise and then tired we went to bed.


  1. There are times when extra sleep is good

  2. At least you are looking forward to the river cruise. You have to push yourself sometimes or you would become a hermit.

  3. I know my weekend was pretty quite. Sunday I went tarot group.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  4. Love the exposition. Adorable pieces.

    I hear you on going somewhere and trying to put on a happy face when you're not feeling it. Going home was what you needed to do.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Big hug. ♥

  5. Lovely exhibits! The exposition is definitely worth a visit!

  6. You and me, we should all be two parts

  7. Sleep can be a renewing/rejuvenating activity. Nice to have that river cruise to look forward to.

  8. You can't force yourself to be sociable. Small steps with people closest to you are best.


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