6 Apr 2023


1.What would you say is the most difficult task when it comes to spring cleaning? Have you completed that task this year? Any plans to get it done?

My mother had her spring cleaning done, but I always had a cleaning lady and she spring cleaninged the whole year. From time to time we checked old clothes to give away. I the only task I am looking for is laying under my umbrella in the sunshine !

2. Your favorite pastel color? Favorite thing you own in a pastel shade? 

I loved painting with pastels the color which gives the best results is blue. You can paint wonderful skies or the sea.

3. Do you like ham? Do you fix ham year round or is it mostly just a 'holiday food'? Baked ham-ham and eggs-ham and cheese sandwich-scalloped potatoes and ham-Hawaiian pizza....what's your pleasure? 

Yes I liked ham in the past, especially what they call in the UK "Gammon Steak", but all the other plates you mention I loved too. Nowadays I eat less and less meat, only chicken or turkey, the steaks have no taste unless you drown them in a sophisticated sauce, then you don't taste the meat anymore

4. Do you celebrate Easter? What did Easter look like when you were a kid? What are your plans for Easter this year? 

Yes we always have celebrated Easter. I make an Easter tree with twigs, and Easter decoration. Of course there were colored eggs and the kids looked for them everywhere. I once found one from the year before which my grandpa had hidden so well !

5. Something that makes you feel hopeful amidst all the chaos and confusion this world brings? 

For the moment I am looking forward to my river cruise in May, I don't feel well and avoid to watch too much TV News. The grief of loosing Rick comes out more and more, because I have nothing to do anymore except blogging. And I have no energy either.  Even photo hunting which I loved so much for the moment I just have not the strength to go out and take pictures.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I wished it would be warmer ! I am fed up wearing thick pullovers all the time !


And this is my face showing my random thoughts



  1. I think that cruise will help you feel better, at least in your body, I sure hope so.
    Spring Cleaning?? I hated that when my mother would get into that mode...because I was her 'helper'...I try to keep things good all the year, makes it easier.

  2. Spring cleaning or any sort of cleaning is something I should do but keep forgetting about - more interesting things on offer!
    Bring on the sun - I'm tired of grey days and drizzle.

  3. Here yesterday we had a lot of freezing rain.

  4. I had ham for dinner.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. Oh, a river cruise sounds nice. I like your Easter decor. My mom used to have a cute little Easter tree that she would decorate.


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