24 Mar 2022


1. What's something you never seem to have enough time for? 

I never had enough time to visit Rome ! I travelled through Italy from top to bottom and even have been in Sicily and often at the Lake of Garda because my husband has his family there but I never managed to visit Rome because I thought I can't do that in one day ! So Rome is still on my travel list ! 

2. If you could turn back time and relive just one day in your life, which day would you choose and why? 

The day the doctor found out that Rick had Parkinson's and would never be able to come home as he needs day and night care. This day changed my whole life 

3. Something you enjoy making that takes a long time to prepare/cook? 

During years colorful cats, now "Pouring" all acrylic paintings here in an exhibition of the City

I hate things which take a long time to prepare, so I avoid them, I had started with oil painting but it took to long to dry so I switched to acrylic because it dried very quickly and looks the same. Only specialists can see the difference.

4. A time recently where you needed/gave yourself a 'time out'? How do you do that? 

Each year since about 10 years I go to Hurghada/Egypt for 2 weeks stay in this nice hotel and do just relax, swimming, eating, chatting, laying on my beachbed and read, go early to bed and get up early ! This charges my batteries for the winter. Unfortunately the last 3 years I couldn't go, because of the Corona Virus and before a crisis in the travel agencies ! That's a long time !

5. Something you've done recently that you'd describe as a 'good time'?

It's sad to say, but I can't remember any "good time"  recently ! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am fed up to watch the News ! For two years you saw statistics of the Corona virus death, nothing else besides the weather, nothing positive at all ! Since suddenly by miracle the virus has disappeared  the News are filled in now by the statistics of the dead Ukrainians and how many refugees ! 

Outside people have sour faces, now that you can see them without masks and the conversations are about the Ukrainian war ! Oil and flour has disappeared in the shops because people start to squirrel to be ready for the war ! Strangely no toilet paper ! I am afraid to become a sour old lady living with her cat and avoiding people !   



  1. The world is going through some hard things for sure right now. It's hard not to be overwhelmed and angry sometimes. And how much to prepare for who knows what is coming? Now we can travel, but with war raging do we want to venture too far from home? I hope you find time for things that bring you joy today. My faith is what keeps me going during times that are painful and hard to understand. Take care.

  2. You live in an exciting part of the world with access to so many other countries. It’s the first I recall seeing your paintings and from a distance they look fascinating. I wonder if your cat is the model for some. I like the two very distinctly different styles. Sometimes it does appear as if global strive pivots from one disaster to another. Unfortunately, what is happening is true and with technology, we can see it more clearly than ever. Still, our sadness does not lessen the suffering of others unless it motivates us to help in some small way.

  3. As I understand it oil based paint can take years to dry.

  4. You really have had a lot of good traveling in your life. Sorry to hear about Rick. News has been dismal for years now. Hope you can go to Egypt, soon. Happy Hodgepodge!


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