7 Jul 2008


Odd shots is here Love message graffitis at Romeo and Julia's house !

More participants here at Ur Olive

Ur Olive would like to hear about our *whopper* of a fishing story. She wants to hear a fishing story from us.

I don't like fishing at all ! at least not for fishes. Sitting there with a Angel in your hand and starring in the water until a tiny fish finally eats the poor worm, I really cannot call a sport. And fishing with nets is even worse because there are so many other poor creatures captured too. I recognize it is necessary for us to eat fish sometimes at least, so I better don't think about how it was catched.

Besides this kind of fishing, I never fished for compliments, but I did twice a nice catch with my personal net. The first fish I catched became rotten after a while so I had to throw it in the garbadge or I would have gotten an indigestion. The second catch was a success ! I still have this fish in my acquarium now, I couldn't eat it because I felt in love with it. So I gave up fishing completely until this day.

My personal fish in its acquarium


  1. What a cute post! I laughed out loud.

  2. Gotta love your goldfish... :)
    My hols are over, now I am doing laundry and catching up.
    Enjoy your vacation!!

  3. hehehe love the fish you caught Mr Gattina looks so relaxed in the pool..Happy birthday for the 8th Gattina

  4. I guess that means you don't eat fish?? it is very good for you, unless its the rotten kind.

  5. It never ocurred to me to make a pet of a fish you had caught! Good for you!

  6. Hi again Gattina ~~ I neither go fishing or eat fish myself. I changed the date of your birthday to the 8th. Hope you have a terrific day and soon be home. Take care, Love, Merle.

  7. LOL! The Gattino-fish! An excellent capture, I here!

  8. Oh, I like your kind of fish.

  9. ahahahah :) i thought, wow, what kind of fish is that that could live such a loooooonnnnnngggg time.. now i know :) what a great fish you've caught. as always you are always funny and witty, gattina :)

  10. Ha! Ha! Quelle belle prise, Gattina! Je ne savais pas qu'on pouvait pĂȘcher de tels spĂ©cimens!!!


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