13 Jun 2008



Yesterday I said good bye to my car with which I drove around for 7 years. Cat Arthur apparently is very happy to get rid off it. Me too !

and here is the new one, also a Opel Corsa with a lot of new stuff which I don't really need.
When I picked up the car, inside was a bottle of champagne and a beautiful flower bouquet !

Today of course I will drive around and try it out !


  1. That is a beautiful color for the car. Nothing quite like the new car smell. A bottle of champagne and flowers. My BMW salesman only gave me his business card when I bought a new car last year. Ha ha.

  2. what a beautiful suprise you had yesterday! And the bouquet! So romantic! I guess who is the author of the present! An italian lover!

  3. Dear Gattina ~~ Congrats on the new car - it is lovely. And what a nice thing for the dealer to do - Flowers
    and champagne. How knd of him/her.
    Thanks for the comments on the Pavlovas. They are made with egg whites, sugar etc, filled with whipped cream and fruit. I hope your weather has warmed up again by now.
    Take care, happy driving my friend.
    Love, Merle.

  4. Congratulations and happy driving! What a pretty car!!!!

  5. Congratulation on the new car! Have a nice weekend =)

  6. oh, niiiiice car - especially with the giggle water and flower welcome!!!!

    So, you've been out on a roadtrip you too now?

  7. Congratulations on your new car, Gattina...and the flowers and champagne. All I got when I bought my car six years ago was a tank full of petrol!

    Anyway, have fun trying it out and try not to argue with your Satnav too much...lol!

    Hope all is well with you, Mr Gattino and the cats.



  8. Hi Gattina, Congrats on the new car, How lovely of the sales person to pop a bottle of champers and a bouquet of flowers into your new car,Enjoy.. I got a full tank of Fuel with mine 2 years ago..

    Btw,, I have left you a lovely award at my place hope you can pop over and pick it up...
    Happy traveling in your new car...

  9. WOW! I wonder how much they tacked on to the price of the car to pay for the flowers and champagne!? LOL! Noooooo... that is verrrrry nice! No car dealer has ever given US flowers or champagne! Maybe that is because we drive off the lot with the car the same day... (i'd like to think so anyway...) CONGRATULATIONS! I know you and your Opel and your GPS will have many exciting adventures together!!!

  10. Crongats on your new car! Love it!

  11. awwwww, now you've given away arthur's toy :)
    congratulations on the new car, that's very nice of opel to give you a champagne and a bouquet.. they must have known they will get a free commercial in your blog :) or is it from mr. gattino himself?? nevertheless, it is indeed a very nice car, happy driving!


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