30 Jul 2024


This little guy represents Brussels, there are a lot of stories about him, and everybody pretends that his version is the right one. He is very often dressed depending on what is happening in the world. He was dressed as Elvis Presley and also like the Pope, as Michael Jackson, or as a soldier.

Here is an explanation of the famous Manneken Pis, it was created in 1388, and is one of the most representative and popular symbols of Brussels. 

The Manneken Pis is a small statue of fifty centimeters which represents a cheeky little boy who has pissed on a fire and therefore avoided that the city was destroyed. The little boy is located in the old part of the Belgian capital, next to the Grand-Place. 

Given the importance of the statuette, armies attempted to steal it several times, until an ex-prisoner seized it. The inhabitants of Brussels were so dismayed that in 1619 a copy replaced it until today.

Manneken-Pis has over 1000 costumes ! And he regularly receives new ones. It is the only statue in the world to have such a wardrobe and to be dressed more than 130 days a year. 

On the "Grand Place" of Brussels, is "his" museum, where you can see all his costumes.




 more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. Two very different things seem to represent Brussels, Mannekin Pis and Atomium.

  2. Who makes the choices about costumes? Depending on Brussels citizens' individual politics, some costumes are delightful and some might be awful.

    1. I don't know exactly somebody from the government or the mayor, it depends on important happenings or a State visit to Belgium. I can't comment on your blog, this time

  3. I think everyone who visits Brussels goes to find the Manneken Pis.

  4. I knew of him, but not about him! Great pictures!

  5. I saw him while in Brussels but he wasn't costumed. This is fun!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/07/inside-pennsylvania-academy-of-fine-arts.html


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