29 Jul 2024



Rosie sees the trolley with the lunch !





On Saturday it was cloudy but warm, so that was OK. I washed my hair and groomed myself like Rosie does every day, except her claws, while I did my nails too.

Just before I wanted to join the others for a Basket Ball game, I got a phone call from Carrefour (shopping mall) that I had to pick up my parcel. That made me angry, they always had delivered my parcels to my new address and now 8 month later the post made a mistake and had crossed out my new address that was on the parcel and had written the old address on it. I quickly jumped in my car and picked up my parcel, and then I joined the others who were playing basket ball ! 

That was really very funny. Of course even when the basket was close to my nose I never made it to get the ball in ! After the game we had our coffee and cake, and chatted. The new resident told us that she is an alcoholic since her husband died. We still don't know if it was 2 or 3 years or the day before yesterday ! Each time I see her she can't find the keyhole of her door and I open it for her. Two days ago, she went early morning naked to our 101-year-old Gilberte, who kicked her out with humor. She found her too skinny and that's true, she is very skinny ! That's what she told us. Of course we had to laugh but actually it's sad!

On Sunday it was beautiful  weather, blue sky and sunshine, perfect weather for our archery ! That was really very funny! It looked so simple, and we all knew how to hold the bow, but when we tried to shoot it almost always went wrong. One shot the arrow into the window where it got stuck on its plunger. Then one shot herself in the face and no one knew how she did it. How we laughed! And what a miracle, I won I had the most points and I thought I always missed the target !

Afterwards we all got chocolate ice cream or pistachio ice cream. A few visitors also came to watch us and one man said he felt like he was in a kindergarten! But that's how it was!

We had a really nice weekend where no one was bored. 




  1. It sounds as if you have a lot of fun together. It's good to laugh and join in.

  2. That sounds like a great weekend was had by all, it's very sad that this lady has problems and hopefully everyone is looking out for her xxx

  3. Awww on Rosie. Love how you both groomed yourselves. You made me smile.

    I'm glad you had a good weekend except for the delivery turned out to be a pick up. What a shame. You did have fun playing games.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. A hug to you and scritches to Rosie. ♥

  4. You are certainly kept entertained!

  5. Fun and laughter are good for our health. It seems you've got a lot of it lately.

  6. You sure had a great time, the package pickup aside...

  7. Laughter seems a daily part of your routine now. How wonderful.


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