3 Aug 2024


The week started with a terrible heat 32°, I had closed windows and curtains in the morning so when I came back from our game and getting together my room was nice and cool. We should play scrabble but that didn't work, because nobody except two me and another one were scrabble players and somehow it blocked us, it was more like a game of words, no points were counted. We got ice cream and hang out on the terrace. There was no wind and it was as if we sat in an oven.

The next day it was the same and I started to feel very unwell in the morning, it was hard to breath for me, nevertheless, we all met at 3 o'clock to play a game, but in the end we were just hanging around and were too lazy for anything! You could cool down in our huge restaurant because it had air conditioning and the severely disabled people from the 4th floor were seated there in wheelchairs. We seldom see them,  because some of the residents are afraid or disgusted by their view.

We also celebrated the birthday of the residents born in July. Gilberte celebrated her 101 birthday and I (a young girl) 81. We both got a standing ovation, she because she has remained so young despite her old age, and I because I am always "cheerful" and everybody can come to me to settle their problems and I am also the "bridge" between the staff and the residents, when it comes to a misunderstanding.

We got back to normal temperatures and I tried to get my energy back, I had to go out to pick up my identity card. Driving went well, it was nice and cool in the car, and not as humid as outside. 

The lady who sat behind the counter asked me how I liked life in the castle because her mother was looking for a retirement home. I could only say positive things and that I am very satisfied and feel really at home. She was happy about that and wanted to come with her mother for a visit. Maybe I can do some publicity for our castle! But I think that there is no room for newcomers. At the moment many of the personnel are on summer vacation and there is a lack of staff. Students replace their mothers who are nurses or employed in the castle and we help out and let the nurses spend more time looking after the helpless people on the 4th floor.

I thought that it was my last identity card, but since it was "only" valid for 10 years, the woman told me that there were still 91 year oldies who drove in their cars younger once back and forth, for the municipality, and that I could do that too ! Normally the municipality  employees aren't as friendly as this one, but somehow it cheered me up.

Suddenly I thought I would drive a little around in my cool car, and landed in the Indian shop, which I visited so often since years and where I have bought so many birthday or Christmas gifts, or I went just there when I had the blues because it doesn't look like a shop inside, but rather like a private Indian home.

It is so quiet and calming inside, you can have a cup of Indian tea and look at the beautiful things. I was amazed that the shop was still there, I thought it hadn't survived the Covid. But it was there, even nicer than before and I took some photos, just like I used to do in the past. Then I drove home in an excellent mood and sat on the terrace with the others to chat !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. Thank goodness the heat has abated a little. It's good to see that some things don't change, except, perhaps, for the better. Did you buy anything in the shop - apart from tea?

  2. Good to hear that Indian shop is still there. I remember your many posts about it and all the lovely things you bought there.

  3. What a nice way to end your errand with a visit to that lovely store. It's cooler here now too thankfully.

  4. Belated happy birthday! I'm glad the municipality employee was so helpful.

  5. I am glad with you that the heat has abated. I hope ours does soon. But I am thankful for AC in my home and my car.
    That Indian store looks like it would be a great place for browsing and for a cup of tea.


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