3 Nov 2023


There is not much or rather nothing to tell this week, I started Monday not feeling normal, I was tired and saw the world in black. Outside was a horrible weather, a good excuse not to go out. The next day was not better but I forced myself to do the shopping, I had no bread and fruits anymore. I also needed cheese for lunch, and that of course I forgot.

I called my neighbor who was in the Ardennes with her daughter. The other had no cheese and anyway she wouldn't go out with this terrible storm we had outside.  I was not hungry but finally I found a solution ! I took 2 slices of bread, put Olive oil on and then sprinkled a mixture of various Italian herbs on the bread and I liked it so much that I ate the same thing again the next day.

Ever since I suffer in silence, I have fever, my nose is running, and I just don't know what to do with myself. Finally watching TV, I counted the men with a beard. Those who work for the News, documentaries etc. I came to the conclusion that from 10 men at least 8 had a beard, in all shapes,,long, short, young or old, especially the boys because they wanted to look older. I thought about my youth when I was around 20, when no one had a beard except their grandfathers. Mine had one and I thought it was disgusting because the food got stuck in it. And then the young and old with or without hair tied it in a bun which sat on the top of their head. Thank God I don't have to choose a man anymore! The speakers on TV depend on the country. The worst hairstyles you see is in Germany, Belgium, then France. The only one which look "normal" while presenting the News, are the Italians ! They still have suit, shirt and tie !

2023 Fashion



a few years later

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. I had to giggle loudly at at last big hair dude!!

    Oh, I forgot to say on the previous post, that like your grandson, I also have a November birthday as did my mother...in fact I shared her BD! (I interrupted her party, LOL!)

    Feel better soon, and I sure hope that nasty storm abates so you can safely go outside again.

  2. 2023 and 1970 look ok to me.

  3. That last photo gave me a chuckle.

  4. The stormy weather has kept us all in. The sun is shining again today so I hope you manage to get out and manage to what shopping you need. It won't be long before you won't be doing any more food shopping.

  5. That last photo made me laugh. I hope you're feeling better.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !