2 Nov 2023


1. Besides Thanksgiving (in the USA) what's one thing you're looking forward to in November? 

To my move into my "castle" which is a retirement home, so beautiful that I count the days ! I wished to be already there !

2. Do you like candles? Your favorite scent? How often do you burn a candle in your home? 

Yes I like candles, but without any scent. In the past I often lighted candles especially during Christmas time, or also in summer. Now I have candles with a battery !

3. What gadgets did you use today?

What is a gadget exactly ? I asked Google. It's not something special and funny as I thought, like an ashtray which coughs when you put your ashes inside. No it can be my mobile phone or even my computer, there is a long list of gadgets which I found completely normal. To the question, I used my computer and the telephone !

4. This question is a repeat from one asked in November of 2014, but I liked it so it's coming round again. Many of you weren't here in 2014. Okay, you can have fifty pounds of something (anything but money)...what will you choose? Also, since I mentioned it...what were you up to in November of 2014? 

Thanks to my blog I can always answer the right questions and when people contest I show them. The most important event in November is Toby's birthday. We are all born in summer except the poor boy who is born in November. That means gifts on birthday, gift on Santa Claus, gifts on Christmas and then the whole year nothing anymore !

5. 'Tis the season...what's something you're feeling especially grateful for today? 

Today ? I could send everybody to hell ! I have a cold or the Covid or whatever, my nose is running, my throat aching and I feel lousy !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I lie on the sofa and feel sorry for myself. All alone, my friends are either out of town or too old or they are sick themselves. There is a terrible storm outside 100km/h and that makes me nervous. I can hear the firemen and on TV they show blown away roofs, fallen trees, traffic jam etc. I asked my neighbor if she would do her shopping today (she does it everyday) but today she doesn't dare, because of the wind. 

The only thing which comforts me is that I don't stay here for long. In my whole life I haven't been so lonely.



  1. I have covid as of Nov 3rd...UGH! At least I don't feel TOO bad...
    I hope you feel better soon so you'll be all perked up when your awaited move happens.

  2. I hope you are well soon, that sounds miserable. Your new retirement home or castle looks so pretty in the photos.

  3. Realized I never commented from last week, so better late than never. I hope you have an amazing November. Enjoyed your answers. Goodness...hopefully you get to move in soon. I keep thinking you already had. I hope you are feeling better this week.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !