18 Sept 2023






What a weekend ! Everything went wrong. When I got up in the morning, I saw that my mobile phone and tablet were still connected to the power and wanted to take them out. I managed to do that without any difficulties, but I don't understand what happened next. Suddenly I lost my balance and fell backwards with a big "boom" on my head and then lay there on my back. I stayed put for a while and then tried to get up. After I don't know how many time, I finally managed to get on all fours and crawled to the back of the sofa. Then I sat down and waited again, reading Facebook. I thought my whole insides were a mess. After a while I was able to get up and crawled straight into my bed. I had pain in my ribs but no bump on my head.

Today I spent the whole day in front of the TV and computer and moved as little as possible. I absolutely have to get out of here, I'm alone here in the building at the moment 2 couples moved out and even though I have an alarm, I don't feel comfortable here anymore.

In the morning I was a bit dizzy but my rib didn't hurt anymore. I needed to talk to someone and called my son who of course didn't answer and later send me a message that he was on a birthday. I thought I am nearly dying here and he celebrates birthday instead of leaving the room and answer at least. I wished him that the cake  gets stuck in his throat. Then I regretted that I had called. 

Meanwhile Isabel called to know how I am and I told her the whole story, and she too said that I can't stay alone here and have to move as soon as possible. Tomorrow I go to the director of my "castle" and ask if he could prepare my room for the 15th of November instead of th 15 of December, so I can move in earlier. I have to pay two rents then, but health is more important, except if I want to join Rick earlier. 




  1. It does sound like it is very much time to move on. Don't jump up quickly. Think about what you are doing. Pace yourself and take it easy.

  2. What a nasty, frightening experience for you. I hope you're not too badly bruised. Good luck with trying to bring your move forward.

  3. Awww on mom and baby. So cute.

    I'm so sorry about your fall and your feeling now well. Take care of yourself. You do need to move as soon as you can. Maybe go to the doctor to make sure you're okay.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. ♥

  4. I am sorry you are having health issues. It's been a while since I visited your blog. I need to catch up.

  5. Falling like that doesn't sound good. If you don't mine, me saying...Should see a medical person.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. Yes, we have to move more slowly...being sure of our footing. I'm so Sorry you fell! You need to follow your instincts about moving...glad the move will be sooner than later!
    big hug

  7. Sorry you had that happen to you. Scary, indeed! Yes, I do think being in the new place might make you feel so much safer, esp if that would happen again.


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