9 Aug 2023



In May 2010 I made a round trip through the south of Morocco. We stopped in Zagora, where the Sahara starts. In the evening we went in the desert with our camels to watch the sunset. Unfortunately my camera didn't like sunsets and the photos were not good. Berbers are living in this area and served as guides. I love camels and I was the only one whose bottom didn't hurt in the evening.

more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. You look great on the back of a camel.

  2. That's a great picture, you on the camel's back! The desert is also an interesting place to visit!

  3. you have a nice smile.
    I also took part in W.W
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. I love the first photograph. I bet the last one made Rick jealous . . . :-)

  5. I had a brief ride on a camel when I was in Israel. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I found the lurching movements when the camel arose and went back down for me to mount and dismount to be rather startling - I thought I'd be tossed over his head!
    Your photos are lovely.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/08/wordy-wednesday-this-week.html

  6. Fantastic photos! It appears to be a joyful variation of the classic camel and sheikh story.

  7. Love the first Shot. Fantastic Photography!

  8. The Sahara is a place of my dreams.


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Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !