7 Jul 2023


The week started again with a cool and grey weather, after having been so spoiled in June with temperatures over 30°C it was not surprising that lots of people caught a cold.

On Monday I didn't feel so well, but now that I know that I am suffering from hay fever and not colds I don't worry so much, but I am tired and without any energy. I spent my day with blogging, shopping and watching TV.

My neighbor came very excited, her phone had no light anymore. First I thought it was an Apple but then I saw that it was an Android. But she was so hysterical, that she didn't leave me the time to look what happened. I thought she has only to shut it down and start again, but she didn't even know where the buttons were ! 

They were at the same place like on my phone, but before I could push on one, she tore the telephone out of my hand and said she wanted to go to her provider so that he could sort it out for her. In fact it was so simple, she just hadn't pushed hard and long enough to switch it on again ! But she had already disappeared. 

Later she told me what had happened and it was exactly what I wanted to do ! She had bought this thing without asking anybody about what to buy had bought the most expensive thing, I don't even know the brand recommended by a young vendor, who told her it was very easy ! Of course they are easy when you start with 6 or 7 and not at 70 and more.

I have stated that seniors were often taken for ignorants (and in this domain they are, but not all) therefore they are offered the most expensive and difficult phones. 

Then I had an appointment at a beauty salon to clean my skin. It was a very long time I hadn't done this and I really needed it after these years of stress. It was a new salon and had been recommended by several people. I wonder why,  because this beautician was false, very friendly and charming, but she tried to sell me all kind of beauty cremes and things, and then talked all the time at the phone. I felt neglected, how can you relax when somebody is a chatterbox on the phone and you are supposed to relax with a mask on your face ? 

At home I stated that she had counted 35 € too much. I was furious, and convinced that she had tried to cheat on me. I called her and wanted my money back. She told me a story full of explanations and lies, I cut her short, and answered that's all her problem and not mine I only want my money back. 

The next day I returned and she gave me the 35 €, again explaining but I took the money and returned to my car. It's terrible I never realized that you have to pay attention to everything not to be cheated.So when I got a mail from the post announcing me that I can pick up my parcel (???) I hadn't ordered nothing, I first called the post to ask what it was. It was a gift for my birthday and not a scam, which happens often and was even said in the News to be careful. 

The week ended with apparently bad air, because I sneezed and had a running nose and was tired. So I stayed home except that I went two floors down to say hello to my neighbor Nicole. 

It had been a very calm week, but I learned a lot by reading posts from my Blog friends. 

This will also be the last time I write before I will celebrate a new milestone and will start my birth date with an 8 on my passport.



more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. You really have to be alert these days - there are so many con artists around. I'm sorry your facial wasn't relaxing. Next time, at a different salon, maybe?

  2. Yikes...i'm not sure where the blessings are in your week...sounds like it was a stressful one instead!! At least you got your money back!! Happy weekend and Happy Birthday!!

  3. That's so true that you have to be alert these days. My husband is vigilant about checking paperwork, and we've found some glaring errors and had to talk to five different people before anyone could understand the error and correct it. I've thought of older people who wouldn't even catch the error or wouldn't be able to get it corrected. Then there are people on every hand trying to scam others, especially older people.

    We had some air quality warnings for a few days due to fires in Canada. You wouldn't think the smoke there would get all the way to the southern US. That and the pollen and heat kept me indoors except July 4th for our Independence Day, but I've had a mild sore throat since then. I'm sure it's due to the air quality plus smoke from fireworks.

    I love your first cartoon there.

    My FFF is here: https://barbaraleeharper.com/2023/07/07/fridays-fave-five-702/.

  4. As an older woman I will not stand for disrespect. We are old not stupid! Not deaf and certainly able to decision if we want or need something. I hope your allergies get better. We have high temps coming next week after all the rain and coolness in the air. My allergies are awful. I am sorry you had such a week. I am grateful our son is good with knowing what we need phone wise and we usually can figure things out as we go along. But the stores will take advantage of you that is a fact. An awful one though. I hope your weekend is wonderful and you enjoy it tremendously. Take care

  5. Oh goodness not the best of weeks. I'm glad you got your money back and hopefully you're feeling better by now. Happy birthday!

  6. Wow, what a week! The best blessing is that you made it through. I'm glad you got your money back.
    I'm glad, too, that you have Nicole just two floors down.
    Happy Birthday to you!

  7. Bad air has been a common thread here for weeks, with smoke from forest fires.


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !