3 Nov 2022



1. What about your upbringing are you most grateful for?

 my grandma and me

That the first 6 years I was brought up by ma grandma, the mother of my mother. It was during the war and my parents stayed with an aunt in the country side and I with my grandparents in the same little town. 

My grandma told me very interesting things, far ahead of her time ! She told me to never depend on a man, to earn my own money, and never fear one. I remember that she said, from a street weeper to a President, they all look the same naked ! She herself married a nice friendly man, my grandpa was an angel ! He took me in the woods early morning to observe the deer !

2. What are two or three things that bring you comfort? 

 Watching the waves of the see, watching sunsets or sun raise, or green landscapes

3. Something beautiful you saw today? (or yesterday depending on when it is you're answering this question) 

The change of seasons out of my living window

4. Have you ever used a typewriter? Tell us a memory associated with that. 

Type writing I learned in the Commercial Business school I attended after high school. The model at this time was the first in the picture. Not to see the keys they were covered and we learned blind typing. That's why I am so slow on a smartphone, I don't know where the keys are. When I started working I had this monster nr 2. The keys were hard and I often had tendinitis. 

Then the electric typewriters were introduced, which was very good for me, as typing was not so hard anymore.The IBM typewriter had a ball with the letters on it. As I typed so quickly, the ball always jumped out and rolled towards other desks or wherever. Somebody always picked it up for me and they suggested to please type a little slower !

5. Something you are grateful for today. 

That an old friend and ancient neighbor comes to visit me. It's several month ago that we hadn't seen each other, the poor girl has Parkinson too, but in the first state. To see her was what I really need today. The day started with me being in a bad mood, the neighbor above me started to hammer at 7 am and woke me up and when I wanted to brush my teeth there was no water, and we called each other to know if it was in the whole building. Fortunately it didn't last long, because nobody had told us. For once I brushed my teeth with sparkling water !

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Autumn is starting to affect my mood, I'm afraid of getting depressed, I used to have that when I was young and later less until my mid-50s. I make an elephant out of a mosquito and each time I go to the kitchen Rick is looking at me out of his frame and I fall even more into my dark hole. Fortunately I learned from the past how to handle it at least a bit. This year was also the worst I ever lived.




  1. Depression is my burden too. It comes and goes.

  2. What a sweet memory of you and your Grandmother.
    I too, have a couple of ancient typewriters from my Father's business days....long ago!
    How nice that you were able to be in touch with a treasured friend. That would certainly brighten up any day, in any season!
    I always think of fall as the time when nature takes a long sleep, so that things can resume their beauty when springtime comes back. Something to look forward to each winter.
    My mother would often be depressed in the late fall and winter and actually on any dark rainy day...something to do with the light not being there to brighten her moods. Thankfully I do not seem to have inherited that affliction, a problem with many people.


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